The R.O.S.E. Fund: Seeking Survivors of Domestic Violence with Head, Neck or Facial Injuries


The R.O.S.E. (Regaining One's Self Esteem) Fund is a Boston based non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing, assisting and empowering women who have broken the cycle of domestic violence.

The R.O.S.E. Fund empowers individual women survivors to rebuild their lives, achieve self-sufficiency and regain their self-esteem by providing them with facial reconstructive surgeries free of charge, mental health services and scholarship monies. Currently, through the strength and generosity of our network of dentists, doctors and hospitals we have available surgery slots for women who have injuries to the head, neck, face and jaw. 

Kindly help us to indentify women survivors in need of these services in order for them to improve their lives and regain their self-esteem. For inquiries, please contact John Brisbin at The R.O.S.E. Fund 617-482-5400 or on-line at

