Health Coverage Self-Service Hotline (MA)
The state has a new self-service line that members, applicants or advocates can call to get case details on a member or applicant for MassHealth, Commonwealth Care or the Health Safety Net. The self-service line is: 888-665-9993 and is available 24/7 with the exception of Saturday, 10:00PM to Sunday, 6:00AM and has English and Spanish capacity.
Advocates need the patient's social security number and date of birth to be able to check their coverage status, see when their next redetermination is scheduled, and hear a list of items needed to process their case. Members can get a description of notices or other items recently sent to them by MassHealth with the ability to request a copy of a lost form.
Unfortunately this new feature is not yet available to those applying for or receiving Long Term Care services and it is also not yet available to a small number of MassHealth members living in community settings.
Here is the flyer announcing this new service. Feel free to distribute this flyer to patients.
-Adapted from “ New MassHealth 24 hour phone line” e-mail, from Kim Simonian, MPH , Community Benefit Programs , Partners HealthCare , December 19, 2008 and from the website, retrieved 12/24/08.