Replacement Food Stamps (SNAP) for Ice Storm Victims

In response to the impact of the December 11th winter storm that produced widespread power outages, the U.S. Department of Agriculture authorized the Department of Transitional Assistance to provide emergency replacement food benefits to many Massachusetts households currently receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits (SNAP) – formerly known as Food Stamps – in the affected areas.

On December 20th, 47,000 households identified by Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) that received SNAP benefits between December 1st and December 11th were automatically issued replacement benefits equal to half the amount they received for December.  This replacement benefit can be used to replace perishable food that was lost due to the power outages. This benefit is commonly available in individual cases of power outages or fire, but the individual must apply for it.

Households with Social Security Numbers (SSNs) ending in 0-7 on a list of affected cities and towns automatically got an amount equal to one-half of their regular monthly allotment (or a minimum of $14) added to their EBT accounts on 12/20. If they think they lost more than one-half of the food they bought with their food stamps they can claim an additional amount using this form.

Households with SSNs ending in 8 or 9 on the list of affected cities and towns did NOT automatically get an amount added to their EBT accounts. This is because the federal Food and Nutrition Service decided that households that didn't get their December allotment until after the 12/11 storm were not eligible for automatic replacement. These households that had spoiled food due to lost power or who live in towns that are not on the list can also request replacement using the form.

Households requesting replacement that live in areas on the list can use the Field Ops memo for documentation that the disaster occurred and when. Households in other areas could refer to a news article, or give a neighbor as a collateral contact.

Households in the affected areas that requested and already received replacement benefits were excluded from this issuance.

Please contact Deborah Harris at Mass. Law Reform Institute if you know of cities and towns that experienced lengthy power outages that are not on the list and any experience you have trying to get replacement food stamps. Contact her via e-mail or at 617-357-0700 x 313.

-Adapted from “Replacement food stamps for food stamp households that lost power”, e-mail from Deborah Harris, Mass. Law Reform Institute, December 24, 2008, “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Replacement of Food Lost Due to 12/11/08 Ice Storm”, Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), Field Operations Memo 2008-73, December 22, 2008, and DTA “Public Notice – Replacement Benefits” retrieved 12/24/08.
