The presidential election is approaching quickly. The Community Resource Center typically gets questions about voting options for inpatients and others unexpectedly too ill to vote in person. The voter needs to plan ahead- so keep this in mind in the days and weeks leading up to the first Tuesday in November!

Under Massachusetts law one may vote by absentee ballot if one:

Apply For An Absentee Ballot

Apply in writing to your city or town clerk or election commission There is an application form available at your local election office or by downloading one of the applications below. You may also make application by letter or note. Whichever method you choose, the application must be made in writing and signed.

If writing a note include:

Note:  A family member of a person qualified to vote by absentee ballot may APPLY on his or her behalf.

Frequently Asked Questions

Must the ballot be witnessed?

What if I'm not able to mark my absentee ballot?
You may ask any person to help you. The helper must print his or her name and your name on the brown envelope, write the reason you needed help and then sign his or her name as the assisting person.

I'm permanently disabled. May I vote at home?
Yes. You must apply to your local election office to do so. File a letter from your doctor with the town or city clerk or election commission. The doctor must state that you are permanently unable to cast your ballot at the polling place due to a physical disability.

The local election official will automatically mail you an application for an absentee ballot for all elections in a calendar year. You must sign the application and send it back to your local election official.

My parent is in a nursing home. Is she/he able to vote by absentee ballot?
Yes, as long as that individual is not under a court ordered guardianship which specifically prohibits voting.

Any patient in a nursing home must be a registered voter in order to vote by absentee ballot and must fill out an absentee ballot application.

Absentee Ballot Applications...

