New MassHealth Id Cards Coming Soon!
MassHealth will begin issuing new member cards to all MassHealth members beginning October 1, 2008. Not all members will receive their new cards at the same time, but cards will be mailed in batches. With their new MassHealth card, members will also receive an insert about the new card and the new 12 digit ID number. Here is a link to the insert, which is in both English and Spanish
Important Facts
- The new card will display the member’s name and a new 12 digit ID number.
- Each member in the household will receive their own, as opposed to one card per household.
- The new ID number will not change even if the member moves to another residence, has a change in name or marital status, or has a gap in MassHealth coverage.
Roll-Out and Billing Information
Providers may not bill MassHealth with the new ID numbers until the new MMIS system has been implemented, which is currently scheduled for January 2009. Until then, REVS will be providing both the current 10 digit RID and the new 12 digit member ID number for current members, and will be issuing both a RID and a 12 digit number to new applicants. There will be a grace period after MMIS is implemented during which time providers may continue to bill with the RID numbers.
-Adapted from e-mail “New MassHealth ID Card – Update” from Pragya Rizal, Assistant Manager, Public Payor Policy, Partners Community Benefits, September 12, 2008.