Other social service impacts
of Governor’s 9C cuts

Under his so-called "9C" powers, the Governor has the authority to make cuts to Executive Branch departments and programs.

The Administration has stated that the millions of dollars in Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing (HPRP) funding provided through the federal stimulus package will help to address the needs of families who would have been helped by RAFT.  However, there are many at-risk households who will not be eligible for HPRP assistance based on where they live (HPRP is only available to residents of certain towns or cities) or because they do not meet other eligibility criteria established by their regional or local entities for distributing the money.

- From: “ A Look at the Governor's 9C Cuts: How Homelessness, Housing, and Benefit Programs Fared”, Mass. Coalition for the Homeless, October 30, 2009 and “Patrick to end nearly 1,000 jobs: Cuts would hit all of government; reduction plan spares local aid” By Matt Viser, The Boston Globe,  October 30, 2009, http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2009/10/30/patrick_to_end_nearly_1000_jobs/ retrieved 11/2/09.
