Good News Garage Car Donation Program
Transportation can be a major barrier to families and individuals struggling to obtain or retain employment. The Good News Garage (GNG), a program of the Lutheran Social Services, assists low-income individuals to benefit from economic opportunity by providing safe and reliable transportation. GNG functions with the goal of repairing as many cars as possible that are donated within New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Donated cars undergo a thorough 72-point safety inspection and are repaired to make sure that they will function safely and reliably for 12-18 months with proper maintenance and responsible driving. Repaired vehicles are generally valued at between $2,000-3,000 and are sold to invited candidates at a significantly reduced price (approximately $1,000-1,500).
Candidates must be in need of transportation to secure employment, or increasing his/her education, or are at risk of losing his/her job due to unreliable transportation. Furthermore, candidates must require his/her own vehicle due to a significantly difficult commute, which may be due to lack of public transportation options or a commute that takes more than 1 hour each way.
- Clients must demonstrate the motivation and maturity necessary to own and operate a motor vehicle
- Clients must have adequate income to pay for ongoing maintenance, repairs, fuel, registration, insurance and taxes on the vehicle
- Clients must have a valid and current driver's license with no outstanding DMV driver issues
- Clients must not own a vehicle, have any outstanding or open issues with DMV and all taxes must be paid up-to-date
- Clients must not have been convicted of a DUI or any other motor vehicle violation that would restrict the client's ability to own and operate a motor vehicle
To apply : individuals should call 860-218-2970 or visit to download an application. Also, see website for specifics on how to donate a car.