New Mental Health Intervention Program for Youth Targets Early Detection and Prevention
The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH), in collaboration with the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) Department of Psychiatry, on June 1, 2009 announced the opening of the Center for Early Detection, Assessment, and Response to Risk (CEDAR), a specialized clinic for young people experiencing clinical signs of risk for psychosis, and their families. The clinic is funded by a grant from the Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation to Drs. Larry Seidman and Anthony Giuliano of the BIDMC Department of Psychiatry, affiliated with Harvard Medical School and the Commonwealth Research Center, one of two research Centers of Excellence funded by DMH.
The CEDAR clinic, representing a public-academic partnership, is located in Roxbury at “The Spot,” a storefront satellite community support program for youth operated by DMH through the Massachusetts Mental Health Center. The CEDAR clinic is designed to work with teenagers and young adults who are showing early warning signs of psychosis. These signs can include new or worsening difficulties in school or social functioning or declining interest in people, activities or self-care. When these signs emerge in someone with a family history of psychosis, the risk for psychosis increases according to a paper published in the Archives of General Psychiatry by Cannon and colleagues in January 2008.
The CEDAR clinic joins a world-wide movement towards earlier detection and treatment of the earliest warning signs of psychosis with a goal of increasing resilience in order to prevent the development of severe and persistent mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. The aim of these programs is to provide specialized outpatient clinical services to persons at risk for psychosis and their families to stem the progression of illness and deter disability.
The CEDAR clinic is under the direction of Suzanna Zimmet, M.D., and Michelle Friedman-Yakoobian, Ph.D. The CEDAR staff is committed to increasing the capacity of the Metro Boston community for early recognition and referral by providing outreach and training. CEDAR staff are available to consult with clinicians, middle/high school and college personnel, youth program personnel and other concerned adults in the community about identifying and providing services for young people who might be at risk for psychosis or to provide outreach and education programs.
For more information or referrals to the CEDAR program, please contact Michelle Friedman-Yakoobian, Ph.D. at 617-516-5120 or email
-From: “New Mental Health Intervention Program for Youth Targets Early Detection and Prevention”, June 01, 2009, retrieved 7/23/09.