Utility Rights Reminders
As the winter moratorium on heating utility terminations approaches (beginning November 15, 2010), utilities may ramp up their efforts to terminate customers who are behind on their bills.
Some reminders, suggestions, and resources that may help:
- Make sure your clients apply for fuel assistance. Fuel Assistance season opens on November 1, 2010. The "Cold Relief" brochure explains eligibility and where to apply: http://www.mass.gov/Ehed/docs/dhcd/cd/cold/coldrel.pdf
- Note, however, that the income limits may increase slightly in 2011; the income eligibility numbers in the brochure may be somewhat out of date before winter ends.
- Remember that all regulated/investor-owned (i.e., not municipally-owned) gas and electric companies in Massachusetts offer discount rates for low-income households. To apply, the customer should contact the local utility and ask for a discount rate form to complete.
- Keep in mind that utilities cannot terminate a low-income customer if: (a) anyone in the household has a serious illness; (b) there is a child in the house under the age of 12 months; or (c) it is between November 15 and March 15 and the utility is needed to provide heat in the household. Also, if every adult in the household is over 65 and the household fills out an elderly form, the utility will not terminate the service.
- Every regulated/investor-owned electric gas company also has to offer an "Arrearage Management Program (ARM)". These programs forgive past-due amounts over time if the customer pays the new monthly bills as they come due. Contact your local utility to learn more.
For more information, Social Services staff can contact the CRC or see our website: www.mghsocialwork.org > Staff Access > Utilities – Assistance & Discounts OR Utilities – Shut-Off Protection .
-Adapted from: “ Winter moratorium starts Nov. 15; terminations ongoing” e-mail from Charlie Harak, Senior Attorney, National Consumer Law Center, owner-utilitynetwork@lists.nclc.org, September 15, 2010.