Emergency Assistance Update:
Suspension of Enrollment of New Families 
in DHCD's Diversion Program


The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) recently announced that they are suspending new enrollment in the Emergency Assistance (EA) diversion program due to a lack of funds. The diversion program has been providing funding to help families with children find alternatives to entering shelter. The diversion program provided eligible families up to $12,000 each for a 12-month subsidy so the families could avoid actually having to enter shelter. It served over 330 families in its 6 ½ duration.

DHCD will continue to work with families already enrolled in the diversion program and with those already promised funds (enrolled as of Wednesday November 17 th). At this time, the Flexible Funds Program (Flex Funds), which helps families to exit shelter with a short-term subsidy, will continue.

If you are working with families that have questions or concerns about their participation in the diversion or Flex Funds programs, please feel free to contact the Coalition for the Homeless or share our contact information with the family (Kelly Turley, Director of Legislative Advocacy, MA Coalition for the Homeless, 781-595-7570 x17, kelly@mahomeless.org). We are very interested in learning more about families' experiences with the program. 

- From: Emergency Assistance Update: Suspension of Enrollment of New Families in DHCD's Diversion Program, from Kelly Turley, Director of Legislative Advocacy, MA Coalition for the Homeless , November 19, 2010.

