Program Highlight:
Assistive Technology Loan Programs
The MGH Disability Awareness Council recently hosted Cathy Bly and Cindy Aiken, of the Easter Seals Assistive Technology Regional Center who spoke on “ Assistive Technology for Patients with Disabilities”.
What is “Assistive Technology” (AT)? It may bring to mind images of computers, and it does include high-tech devices, but the term also covers a vast array of low-tech devices that enable one to remain independent. Low-tech devices might include magnifying glasses and wheel chair ramps, and high-tech might include pill boxes with alarms or recorded messages to remind one to take her pills, to communication devices that allow one to touch a picture which speaks a word describing one’s emotions. Local Centers for Independent Living should be able to help individuals learn about assistive technology appropriate to their needs.
We are highlighting two programs for those in need of financial assistance.
AT Loan Program – Low Interest Loans
The Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Program offers access to reduced-interest loans for assistive technology and related services. Qualified Massachusetts residents who have disabilities and their families will use the loans to purchase technology that will improve the quality of their lives and help them reach their full potential. The technology may include communication devices, adapted computers, Braille equipment, and hearing and vision aids. Certain vehicle and home modifications also are allowable.
Compared to traditional bank loans, the program has a higher loan approval rate and low-interest options. Even people with poor credit histories may qualify.
The program is being managed by Easter Seals through a contract with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. Easter Seals works with Sovereign Bank to provide the financing options. Disability and elders’ organizations around the state are collaborating with Easter Seals to ensure that the program is available to everyone who would benefit from it.
“This program opens doors for people with disabilities and elders across Massachusetts. Assistive technology devices and services are often financially out of reach, and this program helps put needed equipment in the hands of those who would benefit the most from them,” according to Jason Luciano, the loan program’s director. “We also provide helpful guidance for people throughout the loan process.”
For more information about the Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Program, call Ferol Smith at 508-751-6431 or Leonidas Tonevski at 508-751-6428, or go to
AT Mini-Loan Program – Free “Low Cost” Equipment
The AT Mini-Loan Program, operated by Easter Seals Massachusetts, is a long-term equipment loan program that is now part of the MA AT Loan Program. The AT Mini-Loan Program provides low-cost assistive devices to residents of Massachusetts, free of charge. “Low-cost” means anything with a total cost of under $500.
Low-income Massachusetts residents with a disability or others acting on behalf of a relative with a disability, may participate in the program. This program is designed to allow those with a demonstrated financial need to have the access to the low-cost devices they need to live independently. The borrower can keep the equipment as long as it is needed
Please contact the program for more details and information on how to apply. Easter Seals Massachusetts AT Loan programs: 800-244-2756 ext. 428 or 431 (voice) or 800-564-9700 (tty). E-mail:
Information and an application form also are available online at
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