Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Policy Updates


A version of this article was forwarded to the Women & Children’s team earlier in March.

Funding for the Massachusetts Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund (CICRF) has been decreased. To assure the long-term viability of the Fund, they have made some policy changes. CICRF continues to process applications and make reimbursements to families, so please continue referring, but be aware of the following changes.

Suspended Services

Family Support Changes

Vehicle Purchases or Modifications & Home Modifications

More information for families is available on the website,, or by calling 800-882-1435.

-Adapted from Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Policy Update” e-mail, from Kathryn Patisteas, PT, MBA , Director Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund, MA Department of Public Health, March 01, 2010.
