Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Policy Updates
A version of this article was forwarded to the Women & Children’s team earlier in March.
Funding for the Massachusetts Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund (CICRF) has been decreased. To assure the long-term viability of the Fund, they have made some policy changes. CICRF continues to process applications and make reimbursements to families, so please continue referring, but be aware of the following changes.
Suspended Services
- Child care reimbursement expenses for siblings while a child is hospitalized. These costs however, can be used for eligibility purposes.
- Central air conditioning is no longer reimbursable, but the program will continue to reimburse eligible families for room-sized air conditioner units if medically indicated.
- Prospective approval for vehicle purchases. NOTE: previously purchased vehicles may still be eligible for reimbursement. The difference is that program can no longer commit, prior to the purchase, to an amount of reimbursement.
Family Support Changes
- In-patient family support is now capped at 150 days per 12-month eligibility period.
- The total amount of family support (inpatient and out-patient) reimbursed has been reduced by 20%.
Vehicle Purchases or Modifications & Home Modifications
- The reimbursement limits for vehicle purchases, vehicle modifications, and home modifications has also been reduced by 20%.
- Any request for reimbursement for a vehicle that is over 6 years old or has over 100,000 miles must be approved by the Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Commission, not by Fund staff. This means these older vehicles will be given closer scrutiny with the goal of not spending Fund money on vehicles that will not last. More information on the Commission, and instructions for Reconsideration of Commission Decisions
- Reminder, the Fund will only reimburse for modifications done to a vehicle that is less than 3 years old. The program encourages families to call before making a large investment for which they hope to get reimbursement.
More information for families is available on the website,, or by calling 800-882-1435.
-Adapted from “Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Policy Update” e-mail, from Kathryn Patisteas, PT, MBA , Director Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund, MA Department of Public Health, March 01, 2010.