CommCare Resuming Auto Assignment

As you know, individuals who apply and are eligible for Commonwealth Care have 90 days of Health Safety Net, during which time they must select a Commonwealth Care plan. If they do not select a plan, they are unenrolled and become self-pay patients.

Prior to July 2009, Plan Type 1 (i.e., non-premium paying) members were auto-assigned to a Commonwealth Care plan after two weeks if they did not select one on their own. The state eliminated auto-assignment in July 2009 as a cost savings measure. The state has announced that they will resume auto-assignments of Commonwealth Care Plan Type 1 members again in April. Here is what we know about this process:

This does not change our process. We need to encourage all patients to call the Connector and pro-actively select a plan. However, this does mean that we may see patients coming in on plans without realizing that they have been auto-assigned. Since we do accept Network Health and CeltiCare, many of these patients will be able to continue their care with us easily. Patients who want to switch plans have a 60 day grace period, or can wait until the next open enrollment period later this spring.

-From “Auto-assignment of Commonwealth Care members” e-mail, Kim Simonian, MPH, Associate Director, Patient Access, Partners HealthCare Community Benefit Programs, March 24, 2010.
