DHCD Suspends Housing Stabilization
Flexible Funds Program
On March 1st, Bob Pulster from the Massachusetts Division of Housing Stabilization at the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) announced the immediate suspension of the Department's Flexible Funds program, including both the Toolbox and Shelter Diversion programs. This action has been taken "to address our critical financial position".
Between August 1st and the end of February, DHCD has moved 1,144 families into housing at a total cost of $10.4 million through the Housing Stabilization Flexible Funds Initiative and assisted another 757 families with Toolbox relocation assistance at a cost of $1.06 million.
DHCD is urging providers to make full use of the $45 million in federal Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing (HPRP) money. These funds are targeted to both rapid re-housing and homelessness prevention. In its announcement letter, DHCD states that a limited number of areas without access to HPRP funds will continue to receive access to Flexible Funds.
More Information:
- DHCD's letter announcing the suspension of these services.
- Overview of HPRP resources
- Interactive HPRP map developed by One Family, Inc.
-From: “ The Department of Housing and Community Development Announces the Suspension of the Housing Stabilization Flexible Funds Program, as of March 2, 2010”, in “Help Needed to Protect MRVP; Suspension of DHCD Toolbox/Flex Fund Program” e-mail, MassHomless.org listserv, March 04, 2010.