MGH Secure Encrypted Email

Portions of this article were e-mailed to MGH Outlook users earlier this month. 

State and federal regulations require that email containing Protected Health Information and Personal Information be encrypted when sent to addresses outside of Partners.  MGH now provides a process to send secure, encrypted email messages: the Send Secure service. This will better protect information leaving our organization by email.

It is recommended that you review site privacy and security policies before using the Send Secure service.  These policies, along with FAQs and step-by-step instructions, can be found at: And this article is posted on the Social Services Department’s Staff Access Index.

The Basics

What is Send Secure?
Send Secure is an email service designed to protect Partners Confidential Data contained in messages sent from a Partners email address to a non-Partners email address. If you must use email to communicate Partners Confidential Data to a non-Partners address, you must send the message securely.

How do I send a secured message?

Type the words send secure in the subject line of the email message. The words can be placed anywhere in the subject line.  The phrase, send secure, identifies the message as secure and encrypts the contents.  When the recipient opens the message, the sender will receive an automated read receipt.

Which email messages must be encrypted? What information is confidential?

State and federal regulations require that email containing Protected Health Information and Personal Information be encrypted when sent outside the Partners firewall. Partners also strongly recommends that users use the service when sending any other non-public information that would subject Partners, the data owner, or the data subjects, to harm if the data was lost, stolen, or accessed by unauthorized individuals. This includes intellectual property and employee information. Sending confidential information via email contains risks and should only be done when necessary and in accordance with policy and security requirements.

What must the RECIPIENT do to read the message?
When a recipient with a non-Partners email address opens the message, they will need to register and create a password in order to read the encrypted message. This is a one-time only registration process that takes a few minutes to complete. The registration process is similar to setting up an account with or a banking website.

More Detail

Isn’t all my email secure?
Your mail is secure in that it is private and password protected. However, it is not encrypted when you send it outside of the Partners network to a non-Partners email address.

What type of information must be sent securely?
State and federal regulations require that emails containing protected health information and personal information be encrypted if they are sent outside our Partners firewall. It is strongly recommended that emails containing other Partners Confidential Data also be encrypted using Send Secure. Sending confidential information via email contains risks and should only be done when necessary and in accordance with policy and security requirements.

What you should know about using send secure

Do other alternatives exist at Partners HealthCare sites for sending secure messages?

Some sites use Patient Gateway for secure communications and, for these sites, this is the preferred means of communicating with patients. Email is discouraged for patient communication.

What’s the difference between laptop encryption and email encryption?
Laptop encryption encrypts data on the actual computer. It does not encrypt individual emails being sent outside the Partners network. Individual emails containing protected health information and personal information must be secured by including send secure anywhere in the subject line of the message.

If my laptop is encrypted, does that mean my email is automatically encrypted?
No. Individual emails must still be secured by including send secure in the subject line of the message.

Help and How To

Are there step-by-step instructions available?
Yes. Detailed instructions for both senders and recipients are available at:

How do SENDERS get help with Send Secure?

Please review information at: Or Open a Help Desk Ticket or call the MGH Help Desk at 617-726-5085.

My RECIPIENTS are having trouble and need assistance. How should I direct them?

There are two websites that are helpful to recipients:

Or call Cisco Registered Envelope Support at (866) 412-6113. Support hours are 8 a.m to 8 p.m., Monday-Friday.

-Adapted from “Secure Encrypted Email Available Today” e-mail from MGH Outlook Postmaster, March 01, 2010 and Partners Helpdesk Self-Service: send secure at, retrieved 3/1/10.
