Massachusetts House Ways & Means
Budget Proposal


The Massachusetts’ House Ways & Means fiscal year 2011 budget proposal was released on April 14. This is the second major step in the ten-step annual state budget process for the fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2010. See a schematic of the process.

While it is early in the process, there are a couple of items that may be that may be worth following.

HWM retained critical line item language from the FY'10 budget that would require the Administration to give the Legislature 60 days advanced notice before implementing any eligibility or benefit changes in the face of a deficit; allow families to receive temporary shelter placements while gathering needed verifications; as well as language that would require the Administration to track and report on who is approved for shelter, who is denied, the outcomes for families participating in the program, etc. New tracking language sought by the Coalition for the Homeless regarding outcomes for families receiving transitional housing and short-term housing assistance also was included.  

-From: “Preliminary Analysis: The House Ways & Means Fiscal Year 2011 Budget”, Noah Berger,, April 14, 2010, at retrieved 4/16/10; “Budget Watch: The House Ways & Means Committee Has Released Its Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Recommendations ”, Kelly Turley, Mass. Coalition for the Homeless, e-mail April 14, 2010; “House Ways & Means Budget: A Victory and a Call to Action” Courtney Chelo, Health Care For All, Oral Health Advocacy Taskforce, April 14, 2010; and House Budget Released: MIRA Bulletin 15 April, 2010”, MIRA Coalition.
