Medicare’s New Website


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently posted a new and easier to use version of, the Medicare consumer-focused Web site.  The updated Web site is part of the steps Medicare is taking to make usingwww.medicare.goveasier for seniors and people who care for them to find the information they need about Medicare. The improved Web site provides users with a summary of Medicare benefits, coverage options, rights and protections, and answers to the most frequently asked questions about Medicare.

The updated Web site reflects Web 2.0 design principles and concepts.  The new design was focus tested with seniors, caregivers and operators at Medicare’s helpline, 1-800-MEDICARE, some of the most frequent users of www.medicare.govThe new design gives Medicare more flexibility to quickly update information that is important to users, especially people with Medicare and family members who care for them.

Take a tour of the new online face of Medicare by clicking on .

Links to www.medicare.govfrom our website have been checked. Unfortunately, some of the more detailed reference materials have been moved or removed. Please use the “Suggestions” link on our website to report any broken links. Thanks.

-Thanks to Maranda Ransdell for bringing this to our attention.
