Program Highlight: The HEARTH Program


Founded in 1991 as The Committee to End Elder Homelessness, Inc, the HEARTH program provides outreach and advocacy to at-risk Elders and Elders in shelter to help secure long term housing and supportive services. Currently, HEARTH operates 137 permanent supportive housing units located within 7 developments throughout Greater Boston. Each development is unique and offers a permanent housing solution to elders. Supportive services are offered through an interdisciplinary model combining housing with mental health, health, and social services. Individual’s needs are assessed prior to admission and an Individual Service Plan is created for each resident. HEARTH strives to not only house elders, but to provide services that will enable elders to maintain long term housing and to remain independent and active in the community.

In addition to operating supportive housing developments, HEARTH provides a Shelter Outreach Program to the 10 main Boston shelter programs. Outreach workers connect with Boston shelters on a weekly basis to seek out homeless individuals age 50 and up in need of assistance. Case workers provide direct assistance in identifying and obtaining suitable housing, connecting individuals with community supports, and stabilization within the home through coordinated services. Although case workers directly seek out homeless older adults, individuals must be willing to receive services. Boston shelters have a sign-up sheet in the case management office, which residents can self-identify as willing HEARTH program participants.

For more information about HEARTH call 617-369-1550 or visit
