Health Reform: Thousands To Receive
Coverage Gap Rebate in June


As required by the new health care reform law, on June 15, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will begin sending $250 rebate checks to Medicare consumers who have entered the Part D prescription drug coverage gap this year. HHS will continue to mail checks approximately every six weeks. 

An estimated four million Medicare consumers will receive a check in 2010, and about 80,000 individuals will receive their checks in June. People who qualify for the rebate will receive the check automatically and will not need to fill out any forms.

See also: Letter to Hill Leadership from Secretary Sebelius Outlining HHS’s Progress to Date on Implementation Efforts

-From “Readying the Rebates” e-mail, Medicare Watch, Volume 1, Issue 11, from the Medicare Rights Center, May 13, 2010.
