TAFDC Employment Services Openings Available

A briefer version of this article was e-mailed to the department and health centers on 5/13/10.  

The Employment Services Program (ESP) is a joint federal- and state-funded program administered by the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). The primary goal of ESP is to assist Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) clients in finding jobs, resolving barriers to employment and providing a means to self-sufficiency. DTA case managers assist TAFDC clients to become “work ready” by referring them to the most appropriate education or training activity for their skill level and goals.

Enrollment opportunities in these programs are presently available across the Commonwealth in all communities until June 30, 2010. Please encourage any of your clients who receive TAFDC and are interested in job training - particularly those enrolled in the Family Self-Sufficiency program (FSS) - to contact their DTA case manager. Space is limited – refer soon to ensure space.

This initiative prioritized funding to serve clients with the greatest barriers to employment and self-sufficiency, including:

Providers developed training and education programs intended to fill the skill gap found within our client populations and to fill job vacancies with local employers in emerging and growth industries.

CIES Services

In FY 2010, DTA purchased four employment services program models under CIES. They are:

Employment Ready (Model I) 

This model is designed to help applicants, clients and former clients adapt to the work environment and the job search process in a structured and supportive atmosphere, and geared to serve individuals who have work experience or who are returning to the labor market after an absence of not more than two years. Employment Ready services may include job readiness, job search skills instruction and practice, case management and staff-directed job search activities in a comprehensive supportive delivery system, that lead to a successful job placement. 

Employment Training and Education (Model II) 

These programs are predominantly short-term (4-12 weeks) and are targeted to clients with minimal barriers to employment. Services may include assessment, job readiness, job search skills instruction and practice, skills training or educational activities, job placement and initial supports once placed. Examples of such programs may include: Business Skills Training, Certified Nurses Aide (CNA), Child Care Training, Clerical Training, Computer/Data Entry Clerk, Customer Service, Dental Assistants, Electronics Assembly, Food Services, Home Health Aide, Legal Secretary, and Medical Office Skills.


Employment Supports (Model III)

FY 11 Budget Outlook House 2 reduces the Employment Services Program (which includes CIES) by $9 million. This may result in the elimination of CIES Models I and II. We are working with stakeholders and our fellow state agencies to minimize the impact of ESP reductions on our clients and providers. 

Enhanced Employment Supports (Model IV)

These programs are designed for clients with significant barriers to employment. Providers utilize an individualized direct service approach that assists clients in reaching self-sufficiency through comprehensive assessment, job placement with ongoing support services. Clients who need individual supports to obtain skills and employment benefit from this program. Clients who have been unable to meet the criteria of other ESP programs or who have been unsuccessful in those programs may be appropriate for the more intensive services offered to obtain and maintain employment.

CIES Impact

CIES programming did not become fully operational until October 2009, so job placement data is not yet robust. DTA expects high performance from the selected providers. After review of provider performance, including utilization, slots will be reallocated to higher-performing providers or service sites. In addition, DTA’s current appropriation for Employment Services is less than the funding that was available ten years ago. Due to this reduction in funding, the Department does not have enough slots for everyone in need of assistance.

FY 2011 Budget Outlook

House 2 reduces the Employment Services Program (which includes CIES) by $9 million. If this cut is enacted in the final budget, it may result in the elimination of CIES Models I and II.

More Information:

-From: “Important information about employment services opportunities
available for your clients” e-mail from Amy West, (DTA) On Behalf Of DTA. Commissioner's Office, May 10, 2010
