Public Benefit Eligibility for Haitians with
Temporary Protected Status in Massachusetts


As a result of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has granted an 18-month Temporary Protected Status for Haitians who were in the U.S. as of January 12, 2010. A TPS designation will allow those who receive the status to remain in the U.S. for 18 months (beginning January 21, 2010) and to obtain legal work authorization. Immigrants need to apply for this status. The final day to register is J uly, 20, 2010. Detailed information is available at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) page TPS – Haiti, Questions and Answers (also available in French and Haitian Creole).

In addition to being able to live and work legally in the United States for 18 months, TPS also opens the possibility of eligibility for some state public assistance programs.

Generally, immigrants must have a legal permanent status or be a “qualified immigrant” to be eligible for federal public benefits such as SNAP (food stamps) or TAFDC. There are certain exceptions however, so we recommend expert consultation for any immigrant concerned with his/her eligibility for public benefits. The CRC can assist with general consultation and locating detailed consultation. For more general information about immigrant eligibility for public benefits see the Social Services department website.

MA public assistance programs for which individuals granted temporary protected status may be eligible:


As aliens with special status, TPS recipients may be eligible for the following MassHealth programs:

Also, they may be eligible for the following health programs for which there are no immigration status requirements:

Cash Assistance

Some TPS recipients may be eligible for Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) cash benefits, administered through the MA Department of Transitional Assistance. 

MA Driver’s license and MA ID

TPS recipients may be eligible for a driver’s license or MA ID card if they meet the state’s documentation requirements. Note, to meet the RMV’s Social Security Number (SSN) documentation requirement, in some cases, TPS recipients will first need to submit an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) as an identity document to the Social Security Administration, in order to have an SSN issued. Note: the estimated EAD processing time is 90 days. 

See instructions for obtaining a driver’s license in the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) driver manual at:

In-state Tuition

TPS recipients may be eligible for in-state tuition if they meet the state’s documentation requirements.  See the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (MDHE) Residency Status for Tuition Classification Purposes at: Note, there is a six month MA residency requirement for community college in-state tuition, and a twelve month MA residency requirement for state school and university in-state tuition.

Other Public Benefits available to MA immigrants regardless of immigration status:

Also, see CRC guide “Programs without Immigration Requirements” (on > Staff Access> Populations > Immigrants page).

-Adapted from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Health and Human Services Department:


