Preliminary Analysis:
Massachusetts Fiscal Year 2011 Budget


The Massachusetts FY 11 budget was signed by Governor Patrick on June 30, 2010. This budget goes into effect on July 1, 2010. Two key provisions in this budget that our staff should be aware of are the elimination of adult dental benefits under MassHealth and the elimination (and possible short-term reprieve- see accompanying story) of the Commonwealth Care “Bridge” program for legal immigrants subject to the 5-year bar on federal benefits.

The budget included two sets of spending levels: one if the state does not receive additional fiscal relief from the federal government, and another set of numbers allocating funding that could be received if Congress does provide additional state fiscal relief. This money would come from an extension of the enhanced Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP), a significant component of stimulus included in the federal Recovery Act. While the federal government normally picked up 50 percent of the Medicaid tab in all states, the stimulus law increased the government’s share to 62 percent. To show how this money would be allocated, the Legislature’s budget proposal included spending levels in a number of line items that had both a base level and a higher amount that could be spent if additional FMAP funding is received, though press reports indicate this is looking unlikely.

Health Care

MassHealth (Medicaid) & Health Reform

Mental Health

Public Health

Human Services

Elder Services

Transitional Services

Other Human Services

Infrastructure, Housing & Economic Development

Housing & Community Development


Early Education and Care

-From “Preliminary Analysis: The Governor’s Actions on the Fiscal Year 2011 Budget”, Mass Budget and Policy Center. Posted 6/30/10 at, retrieved 7/1/10; “Budget would cut services, local aid; Lawmakers’ plan eases crackdown on illegal immigrants” by Noah Bierman, Globe Staff, The Boston Globe, June 24, 2010,, retrieved 6/24/10, and “Senate health bill test vote fails; But extension proposal for $608m alive”, by Michael Norton and Kyle Cheney, State House News Service,, June 17, 2010, retrieved 6/17/10.

