New Harassment Protective Order
Law Amendments
As reported in February (“New Protections for Victims of Stalking, Abuse”, MGH Community News, February, 2010) a new state law extends criminally enforceable protection orders to victims of stalking or sexual abuse who do not know, or have a formerly unrecognized relationship to, those menacing them. Amendments to the new 258e Harassment Order law has been pending and have now passed the legislature and been signed into law by the Governor.
Summary of amendments:
- Amending the exclusive jurisdiction of the Juvenile court to defendants under the age of 17;
- Further defining “actions” on the Complaint form---it now specifically states that this must include (but not limited to) court actions, administrative and disciplinary proceedings;
- The right to arrest, using a reasonableness standard.
The HAVEN program has arranged for Maureen Gallagher, Policy Director at Jane Doe, Inc. and Colby Bruno, Victims Rights Law Center to come to MGH to provide a detailed training on the new law. It will be held on October 13, noon to 1:00pm, in the Thier conference room.
-Adapted from “ Amendments & training video--258e” e-mail, May 25, 2010, Maureen L. Gallagher, Jane Doe Inc. Thanks to Liz Speakman for forwarding and her help with this article.