Bridge Coverage Extended
Through End of 2010
As many of you are aware, the state budget for the fiscal year that began on July 1st made the continuation of the "Bridge" program, that provides health coverage for certain legal immigrants, contingent upon receipt of "FMAP" funds (an extension of enhanced federal Medicaid funding). If FMAP funds were not extended, the program would have ended on August 31st, 2010, and CeltiCare Bridge members would have transitioned back to Health Safety Net or MassHealth Limited.
There was a lot of uncertainty over the fate of this funding, but it eventually was passed in congress and signed by President Obama. Because these funds were not counted in the final budget, the state legislature will need to pass a separate bill to allocate the money. The legislature has not yet indicated how they plan to allocate the funds back into the state budget, but Partners Community Benefits has learned that the state has agreed to continue the Bridge program at least until December 31 st, 2010.
- The Bridge program was created in September 2009 to cover the immigrants who lost their Commonwealth Care coverage on 8/31/09 due to state budget cuts.
- Bridge is offered exclusively through CeltiCare.
- There are roughly 27,000 Bridge members statewide.
- Most Partners sites are contracted with CeltiCare to see Bridge members.
-Adapted from: “ UPDATE: continuation of CeltiCare Bridge program”, e-mails from Kim Simonian, MPH, Associate Director for Patient Access, Partners HealthCare Community Benefit Programs, August 30, 2010 and August 25, 2010 and “ CommCare Bridge Update ” , MIRA Bulletin 25 August 2010, MIRA Coalition, August 25, 2010.