DTA’S My Assistance Page (MAP) Program
-Customer Self-Service


In January 2010 DTA rolled out a new website application called “My Assistance Page” or MAP. DTA views MAP as a way to improve customer service and allow clients access to information about their benefits without a call or visit to DTA. Clients can view the following information in the MAP application:

Clients can access MAP at: www.mass.gov/vg/selfservice.

To use MAP, applicants and clients must be the head of the household and register for a Virtual Gateway Account. Once the individual has successfully registered, he or she will need to provide the following information to view the benefit information:

MassHealth information will also be available through MAP. A MassHealth Member ID (card) Number will be required to see health assistance information.

Important: Clients who are marked with a heightened level of security in will not be able to access their information on MAP.

- From: Field Ops Memo 2010-06: My Account Page (MAP): Initial Roll-out, published on Mass Legal Services ( http://www.masslegalservices.org) Home > Library > Benefits > Field Ops Memo 2010-06: My Account Page (MAP): Initial Roll-out, retrieved 9/22/10.

