Fuel Assistance Customers May Not
Be Prompted To Reapply
Until this year, income verification letters and fuel assistance information packets were mailed to those who had received fuel assistance in the previous heating season. This served as a prompt to reapply for the coming year. This year (2010) the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) is not sending a mailing, but instead encouraging clients to request an income verification letter by using an interactive voice response telephone number.
DTA has mailed Fuel Assistance providers a letter informing them that the Fuel Assistance mailing will not take place this year. The letter also directs providers to instruct clients to obtain income verification letters by using the interactive voice response system (number below) or printing out their “My Account Page”(MAP) screen of case information (see accompanying story).
The interactive voice response telephone number (1-877-DTA-BENE or 1-877 382-2363) is available 24 hours a day seven days a week. Clients should receive income verification letters within five days.
-From “ Field Ops Memo 2010-42: Fuel Assistance – Change in Communicating Information”, DTA, 09/13/2010, on Mass. Legal Services’ 2010 Field Ops page: http://www.masslegalservices.org/taxonomy/term/1885.