Program Highlight: Lotsa Helping Hands


We have all experienced that moment. That moment when you hear a tragic story about someone you know. When you learn that someone is dealing with a medical crisis or some unexpected challenge that has turned life upside down. What do you do? What do you say? Chances are, you quickly respond with a heartfelt question, “What can I do to help?” It’s not uncommon for a family in crisis to be overwhelmed by your kind offer and the offers of so many others. The logistics of coordinating everyone can be as overwhelming as not having any help at all.

That's where Lotsa Helping Hands comes in. Anyone can create a community of support to bring people together during times of need. The site offers free, private, web-based communities for organizing friends, family, and colleagues during times of need. It allows easy coordination and volunteer management that clearly tells volunteers what help is most needed and avoids duplication. Lotsa Helping Hands can be used in a variety of situations in addition to illness or bereavement, including military deployment.

So, the next time you hear a story about someone in need, consider telling them about Lotsa Helping Hands.

-From [LHH] Your newsletter from Lotsa Helping Hands”, e-mail, February 10, 2011.


