New MGH Area Code & Exchange


Due to the increase of telephone lines at the MGH, the hospital has begun using a new area code and exchange number, 857-238-XXXX, in addition to existing exchanges, including 617-724-XXXX, 617-726-XXXX and 617-643-XXXX. MGH Telecommunications began installing phone lines with this new area code and exchange number in January.

The new area code and exchange number will be used throughout the main campus and at some affiliates connected to the main campus. Although the area code has changed from 617, staff still will be able to dial a five-digit extension, e.g. 8-XXXX, when calling internally to one of the new numbers. For more information about the new phone numbers, contact the Information Systems Help Desk at 617-726-4357.

-From retrieved 2/18/11.


