2011 Federal Poverty Guidelines in Effect
The new Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2011-2012 went into effect on March 1, 2011. Most years, updated Federal Poverty Level guidelines are published in the Federal Register in January/February, but aren't adopted by MassHealth until several months later. This year, MassHealth will begin using these new income levels on March 1st. These are figures are used to determine eligibility for MassHealth, Commonwealth Care, and Health Safety Net, and to calculate premium amounts for MassHealth and Commonwealth Care patients. FPGs are also used for SNAP (formerly Food Stamps) eligibility.
Note: New guidelines were not published last year, so the 2009 guidelines had been in effect for 2 years.
The new FPLs are posted on our website and cross-referenced where applicable.
-From “NEW Federal Poverty Income Guidelines “, Kim Simonian, MPH, Associate Director, Patient Access, Community Benefit Programs, Partners HealthCare, February 07, 2011.