47 Secret Veterans' Benefits
for Seniors
Available From CRC


The department recently purchased a copy of 47 Secret Veterans' Benefits for Seniors that is available for staff reference through the Community Resource Center. Many veterans don't realize all the benefits available to them and their family members, in part because the military doesn’t advertise them. Among the tips are how to qualify for aid & attendance benefits, service-connected disability benefits, benefits for spouses and children, nursing home benefits, and burial benefits.

Did you know?


2011 VA Improved Pension Income Limits & Maximum Benefits

(Rates effective since 12/1/08)


Veteran with No Dependents

Veteran with Dependent Spouse

Widow of Veteran

Healthy Veteran with Ill Spouse

Low Income Pension


$985 month/

$11,830 year

$1,291 month/

$15,493 year

$661 month/

$7,933 year


Pension with Housebound


$1,204 month/

$14,457 year

$1,510 month/

$18,120 year

$808 month/

$9,696 year


Pension with Aid & Attendance


$1,644 month/

$19,736 year

$1,949 month/

$23,396 year

$1,056 month/

$12,681 year

$1,291 month/

$15,493 year


Additional Tips/Secrets

Thanks to Lisa Mortimer for recommending this book.

- Parts of this article adapted from http://www.elderlawanswers.com/resources/article.asp?id=8770&section=5, retrieved 4/13/11.

