Providing Help for Senior Bullying
Ten to twenty percent of elders living in senior housing may experience some type of bullying from fellow residents. Bullying usually takes the form of shunning or excluding someone, sarcasm or pointed comments, and spreading gossip and rumors. It can lead to physical violence.
This issue is starting to gain national attention, thanks in part to Marsha Frankel, LICSW, Clinical Director of Senior Services at Jewish Family & Children's Service (JF&CS). Marsha was interviewed by Paula Span of the New York Times- see the New Old Age blog .
JF&CS offers training and consultations to other professionals to develop strategies to reduce social bullying, to promote equality and respect, and create caring communities.
For more information: or 781-647-JFCS (5327).
- From “ Providing Help for Senior Bullying” Jewish Family & Children's Service, August 30, 2011.