TAFDC Clothing Allowance Restored
As reported in the July/Aug MGH Community News, the FY 12 state budget reduced the TAFDC annual clothing allowance from $150 to $40 per eligible child. In late August Governor Patrick filed a supplemental budget request, including $8.2 million to fully restore the TAFDC children's clothing allowance. While this supplemental budget has not yet been passed by the Legislature, the Governor gave the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) authorization to provide the full clothing allowance, in anticipation of the funding being approved when the Legislature resumes formal sessions this month. The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute and the Family Economic Initiative lead the efforts to advocate for this restoration.
-Adapted from “ Children's Clothing Allowance Campaign Victory and Public Hearings on DHCD's HomeBASE Program Regulations”, Kelly Turley, Mass. Coalition for the Homeless, September 01, 2011.