Lazarus House Ministries is a not-for-profit organization that offers a wealth of services to homeless
and low-income persons and families in the Lawrence area. The Good Shepherd Center, highlighted below, is one of the
many programs they run.
The Good Shepherd Center, located on 260 Park Street in Lawrence, is a facility that houses many services geared to
assist and advocate for the poor, the homeless, and near homeless. The goal of the Good Shepherd Center, and of all
programs run by Lazarus House Ministries, is to empower all of their clients to move out of poverty and crisis, rebuild
their families and become productive members of the community. Staff provide referrals and advocacy in matters of housing,
employment, legal and medical aid, detox and rehabilitation. Programs include:
Soup Kitchen
Good Shepherd Thrift Shop
Pre-School Learning Center
Adult Learning Center
St. Luke's Dental and Medical Clinic 7/00
A continental breakfast and a noon lunch are served to over 200 guests, 7 days a week. Meal times are: Break-fast -
8:15 am - 9:30 am, Lunch - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm.
The Thrift Shop sells clothing, furniture, appliances, toys, and household goods at very moderate prices. Those who cannot
afford to pay for the items in the thrift shop are provided them, free of charge. The goods are donated by individuals and
organizations in Merrimack Valley communities and the proceeds are used to help maintain the building and other programs run
by the Lazarus House Ministries. The Lazarus House Ministries operates two other thrift shops, the St. Martin of Tours and St.
Frances & St. Claire Thrift Shops, also located in Lawrence.
Established to provide day care, pre-school learning, and socialization skills to children whose parents are attending school
and/or looking for work or housing. Activities are of-fered throughout the summer and winter months to children of all ages.
Adult literacy is taught here as well as English as a Second Language and training programs on domestic violence and other topics.
The Clinic offers free dental and medical care to those who do not have health insurance and cannot afford to see a dentist or a
medical doctor. The Dental Clinic is staffed by volunteer dentists and hygienists. The Medical Clinic is staffed by doctors in
collaboration with the residency program at Lawrence Family Health Center.
More information on the Good Shepherd Center and/or any of the programs offered by the Lazarus House Ministries can be found In
IRis under the keywords, "Soup Kitchen", "Thrift Shop", "Medical Services/Homeless", "Meals/Homeless", "Homeless Serv-ices",
"Medical Care/free or low cost", "Meal Site", and "Adult Education". Or visit their website at