Once again the Domestic Violence Working Group (DVWG) is sponsoring a series of events to mark Domestic Violence Awareness month. Educational events are scheduled for every Thursday in October from 12:00 -1:00pm. Lunch will be provided at each event starting at 11:45 with the presentation beginning promptly at noon. The schedule is as follows:

October 5- Walcott 2 & 3- When Domestic Violence Comes to Work with Colleen Mackesey, Dept. of An-esthesia, Janeth Tatum, Dept. of Speech and Language Pathology and Ruth Zakarin, Employee Assistance program.

October 12- Wellman- What About the Children? Chelsea Reaches Out to Children and Families with Georgia Green, Police Action Coun-seling Team and Rebecca Sneider, Child Assessment Team

October 19- Wellman- Hitting Home- a short play performed by high school students about abusive teen relationships. Staff of the Women's Crisis Center of Greater Newburyport will facilitate a discussion following the play.

October 26- Wellman- Broken Vows- Religious Perspectives on Domestic Violence. A video presentation and discussion facilitated by Sheila Crowell, Chaplaincy Dept.

At the conclusion of each of these events will be a brief awards ceremony in recognition of MGH staff and teams who are the "Unsung Heroes of Domestic Violence Awareness". Come and support other staff who are quietly making a difference in the lives of survivors!

The DVWG is also hosting a suit drive Tuesday October 17 and Wednesday October 18 from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, to benefit survivors of domestic violence and others trying to move on from financial hardship. Please bring CLEAN, gently used women's business attire (suits, dresses, blazers, skirts, trousers, blouses) to the main corridor on one of these dates/times.
