MGH Community News


Rev. Caralyn Percy spoke about the religion of Scientology and it's use of Dianetics (combined with medical treatment) to speed healing, at a Chaplaincy-sponsored presentation on January 23rd.

Caralyn Percy is a Reverend of Scientology at the Church of Scientology of Boston. Her interest in Scientology began in 1971 during her tenure as a teacher in Brooklyn, New York. While there, she observed and admired the work of a colleague who, although his students were labeled as unruly and difficult to teach, was able to better their learning skills and foster their growth in ways no other teacher seemed able. This teacher was a Scientologist, and he used the technology of study as developed by L. Ron Hubbard to improve the lives of his students. Caralyn Percy wanted to affect people the same way her colleague (and future husband) did, and thus began her studies into Scientology.

Rev. Percy told us that Scientology is a religion about improving and changing conditions. It is an applied religious philosophy that is concerned with the rehabilitation of one's spirit and the awareness of one's ability to do so. Scientology is something you do, not necessarily something you believe. Members are encouraged to make their own observations and believe what they see. Scientology was founded by L. Ron Hubbard, whose writings and lectures are translated into over 50 languages and whose major churches span the globe. His breakthrough book, published in 1950, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, gives details and uncovers the source of unwanted sensations and emotions, accidents, injuries and psychosomatic illnesses, and sets forth effective handlings for these conditions. Further research into the spiritual aspects of Dianetics led to the discovery of Scientology.

There are three parts of a person that Scientology deals with including, the spirit (or thetan), the mind, and the body. The thetan is the spirit and it is the person him or herself, not his or her body, mind, name, the physical universe, or anything else. It is that which is aware of being aware. One is a thetan, one does not have or own one. The thetan has the ability to make decisions, to act, and to make things happen. A thetan can communicate with or without a body. When trying to conceptualize what the thetan is, a great example, given to us by Rev. Percy, comes from the movie, "The Sixth Sense". Bruce Willis' character in the movie is a thetan.

The mind is composed of pictures. The mind also has thoughts, attitudes, considerations, decisions, and viewpoints. The mind is a communication and control system between the thetan and the physical universe. The mind is not a tangible brain, but is composed of pictures. The brain is a part of the body.

The body is the organic, physical composition, which houses the thetan. It is the thetan's communication center.

The Church of Scientology International asserts that Dianetics is the methodology through which Scientologists alleviate unwanted sensations and emotions, irrational fears and psychosomatic illnesses. It aids one in identifying what the spirit (thetan) is doing to the body through the mind. The Church of Scientology International writes, "After any necessary medical treatment, the individual himself has an enormous capacity to influence the body and it's well-being or lack of it. L. Ron Hubbard developed numerous applications of his discoveries for the mental and spiritual aspects of a person's physical difficulties. And as more and more techniques evolved, a new body of technology came into use, called 'Assists.'" Rev Percy explained Assist Technology, and her personal experiences with it, to us.

Rev. Percy's first experience receiving an assist occurred as the result of a painful, but not serious, accident involving her finger and a car door. While getting into her car, she managed to close the door on her finger. Her finger was not broken, but bruised, swollen, and very sore. Her husband asked her if he could perform a contact assist on her finger, in an attempt to help heal it. As this was her first experience with an assist, she reluctantly agreed. He took her hand and placed her finger in the same spot in the door frame where she had injured her finger. He then very gently touched the car door to her finger. He repeated this motion until Rev. Percy described feeling a short burst of pain, and then none. Her swelling and bruising subsided and she felt no further soreness or pain from it again.

Assist Technology can be performed by anyone, not solely by Scientologists and is not meant to replace medical treatment, simply to add and compliment it. Assists can speed recovery. The Church of Scientology International explains that the goal of an assist is, "assisting the individual to heal himself or to be healed by another agency by removing his reasons for precipitating and prolonging his condition… ." There are many different types of assists, including contact assists, touch assists, and unconscious person assists, all of which are described in the booklet, "Assists for Illness and Injuries". Copies are available through the Community Resource Center.

After Rev. Percy ended her presentation, the audience had many questions. Below are some of the questions that were asked:

The Chaplaincy library has the following books and video by L. Ron Hubbard:

A listing of churches throughout the United States and abroad can be found in the back of each book. For further information, please call the CRC at x6-8182 and/or visit

Thanks to the Rev. Caralyn Percy for her assistance with this article.
