

Hospitality Homes (formerly The Hospitality Program) provides no-cost, short-term accommodations in volunteer host homes for families of patients at Boston-area hospitals. The program is open to all families, regardless of income, nationality, or patient diagnosis or treatment facility. Requests to host patients who are accompanied by a family member or friend are considered on a case-by-case basis. "Hospitality Homes seeks to reduce the financial and emotional burden on patients' families by providing a no-cost housing alternative" says Executive Director Vinny Harte.

In its 20th year of operation, Hospitality Homes currently hosts an average of 24 individuals each night. The program is best suited to accommodate guests for stays of up to two weeks. Its 120 active volunteer hosts provide guests with a private bedroom and access to a bathroom. Most hosts also allow light kitchen use. Prior to inclusion in the program, each home is visited by a Hospitality staff member to ensure the comfort and safety of guests. Hosts also participate in an orientation session prior to hosting any guests.

To be considered for the program, potential guests must complete an application by phone with a member of the Hospitality Homes staff. A character reference is required for each adult guest and this reference must come from a medical professional who has personal knowledge of the guest. Only after the application and reference processes are complete does the matching process begin. Because of the time it can take to obtain references and match guest preferences with a host, potential guests are encouraged to contact the program with as much lead time as possible (2-3 weeks is ideal).

For more information, to request materials, or to learn more about becoming a Hospitality Homes host, please call 617-482-4338. Information is also available on-line at www.hosp.org.
