MGH Community News


On Wednesday, October 17th, Joscelyn attended an informational meeting at ABCD (Action for Boston Community Development), concerning their Fuel and Energy Assistance Programs for 2001 - 2002. The meeting reported on changes in Massachusetts funding for fuel assistance, specifics on ABCD's fuel and energy assistance programs, eligibility guidelines, and tips on how to efficiently apply for assistance.

According to ABCD, there have been significant changes in funding for energy and fuel assistance programs. When energy and fuel costs are down, so is the funding for assistance programs. Massachusetts funding for fuel and energy assistance programs is half of what it was last year, 45 million dollars being available statewide. NStar's (electric company) rates are down 25-35%, as are KeySpan's (gas company) by 35%. ABCD hopes that emergency funds will be allocated to those in need and plan to lobby on state and federal levels to raise funds to match last year's.

The maximum benefit level is $545, for those who are at 100% of poverty. See accompanying chart for an abbreviated look at this year's eligibility guidelines.

The 'High Energy Benefit' is for those families who use more energy and fuel than typical families. If their fuel costs exceeded a certain amount (determined by ABCD), in the past year, they would get an additional benefit ($200 maximum). There is also a 'High Energy Threshold' for families who use even more energy and fuel than those receiving the 'High Energy Benefit'. The High Energy Threshold awards a $500 maximum benefit (that replaces the $200 maximum 'High Energy Benefit', it does not supplement it).

The 'Subsidized Housing' benefit applies to those whose heat is included in their rent. These people are eligible for help with their rent at a maximum benefit of $240.

ABCD determines fuel and energy assistance eligibility. Returning clients do not have to retain and present any energy bills from the past year. ABCD contacts energy vendors for info on an individual's usage. New clients, for whom the energy vendors do not have usage information, need only submit one of their most recent heating bills. Everyone is able to apply for ABCD fuel and energy assistance, regardless of the energy and/or fuel vendors they have dealt with and the cities in which they have resided. Once an applicant is determined eligible for fuel assistance, she/he will automatically get a discount on telephone service and secondary utilities (gas or electric).

Applications are accepted from November 1st, 2002 until April 30th, 2003, at intake sites throughout Boston. Intake sites are located at ABCD on Tremont Street, in Allston/Brighton, Charlestown, Chinatown, Dorchester, East Boston, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, North End, Roxbury, South Boston, Sound End, Brookline, and Newton. ABCD requests that applicants be completely prepared to apply, bringing with them all of the necessary information and documentation. This includes:

New applicants must apply at one of the intake sites listed above. Prospective applicants who are homebound may give written permission for another person to apply in their name, or in dire circumstances, ABCD will provide a homevisit. Those who are recertifying may do so by mail.

The programs ABCD provides include, Fuel Assistance, Weatherization, Heating System Repairs/Replacements Program, The Water Program, and the NStar/Boston Edison Conservation Program (BECAP). Each program is summarized below (info is directly from ABCD's Energy Programs Packet).

Fuel assistance provides assistance in paying heating bills during the heating season of November through April. Those with heat included in their rent, in non-subsidized housing, are also eligible for help with their rent. Discounted rates for gas, electricity and telephone are applied automatically for all eligible recipients.

This program is designed to help keep the heat in the home through insulation of attics and walls and weather-stripping throughout. Those with oil or electric heat may receive improvements, at no cost, totaling $2,750. Through a KeySpan sponsored weatherization, those with gas heat may receive conservation measures totaling $4,500.

Repairs of heating systems in emergency no-heat situations are possible for homeowners and, in some cases, tenants. Replacement of heating systems will be considered for inoperable or inefficient furnaces and boilers. During the Spring and Summer tune ups are performed for both owners and renters.

Provides assistance to federally eligible homeowners who are responsible for the water and sewer bills. ABCD may pay up to 25% of the total yearly water and sewer bills, not to exceed $200.

NSTAR/BOSTON EDISON CONSERVATION ACTION PROGRAM (BECAP) The electrical appliance audit program is designed to help reduce electric bills. An assessment is designed to help clients reduce their electric bills. An assessment of all major appliances is performed to determine high usage and to provide a savings plan. Clients will receive energy efficient light bulbs, water conservation materials and possibly a new refrigerator or freezer if the existing appliance is using too much energy.

For further information, call ABCD at (617) 357-6012 or visit their website: The CRC has information in a variety of different languages. Call Bobbie at 6-8182 for copies.


Household Size Annual Gross Income
Over 8 See Fuel Program Staff

Updated 10/02