Are you interested in addressing the issues that affect your clients on a Macro level? Currently there is a lot of pivotal legislation at
both the federal and state levels that affect social policy or populations that we care about. At the state level budget cuts are threatening
services provided by DMH , DMR and DPH, and citizenship assistance to name a few. At the federal level recent laws and presidential orders
have caused concern among immigrant groups and others concerned with protecting civil rights. Also on the federal level congress is working
to find an appropriate budget stimulus package. And of course there are vital foreign policy issues facing the nation including impending
famine in Afghanistan that also will impact money available down the road for social programs.
Do you want to learn more? Do you want to get involved with actions that might be as simple as sending e-mail or signing an internet petition?
If so, consider joining the department's Action Alert Network. Staff submit and receive alerts from agencies that are involved in advocacy
efforts related to a variety of topics pertinent to the populations we serve. No commitment is required, just contact Ellen Forman to be added
to the list.