State Supplemental Budget
The state legislature approved a supplemental budget in mid-November. Governor Romney announced his vetoes the day before Thanksgiving. The legislature may then attempt to override vetoes when the session resumes.
The supplemental budget as approved by the Massachusetts house and senate included an amendment that would have directed DMA to enroll elderly and disabled special status immigrants in the MassHealth Essential program if there are projected funds available. The amendment would have used surplus money from MassHealth Essential to provide coverage for 2,500 of the 10,000 immigrants who were cut from the program in August. Currently, only 12,000 of the 36,000 slots in MassHealth Essential are filled. Governor Mitt Romney vetoed this amendment. (state Senator Mark Montigny, D- New Bedford), said he hopes leg-islators will be able to override the veto and restore some of the coverage for the 2,500 oldest and sickest legal immigrants.
Other provisions:
Romney approved $3.7 million for the Department of Social Services to prevent layoffs of counselors and lawyers; $3.1 million for the Department of Youth Services so it can avoid prematurely releasing juvenile offenders; and $3.2 million for the Department of Mental Retardation's residential and day programs.
Public Health
Mental Health
Homeless Mentally Ill - Dedicates $1.5M for Homeless Mentally Ill program
Health Disparities
Included an amendment to create a Special Commission to Eliminate Health Disparities. Latinos in Massachusetts are 3 times more likely to die from diabetes than their white counterparts and black infants are 5 times more likely to die in their first year of life than white infants. Yet there is no state with a comprehensive plan to eliminate disparities.
-Adapted from materials from MIRA, Partners Government Relations, and "Governor Slashes New Spending, vetoes $80m Of Legislature's Appropriations": By Scott S. Greenberger, Boston Globe Staff, 11/27/2003. Thanks also to Patricia McMullen and Bonnie Zimmer for additional information.