
DTA & the Rights of Limited English Proficiency Persons

Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) recently submitted a report on rights violations of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) persons by DTA offices throughout Massa-chusetts. GBLS calls on the Federal Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Civil Rights (OCR) to ensure that its guidance to states sets at least minimum explicit standards to ensure LEP persons have meaningful access to federally funded services and benefits.

It is clear under the current guidance that DTA is obliged to provide an interpreter. But LEP persons are not adequately informed of this right and may be led to believe by omission or misinformation that DTA has no responsibility in this area. DTA offices have "I speak" cards. LEP persons can point at the language they speak to guide DTA staff in finding an appropriate interpreter. Staff should be aware and have adequate supplies of these cards.

GLBS has outlined minimum standards which they argue should be added to the guidance OCR provides to states:

GLBS has requested that anyone with additional stories of a violation of the rights of LEP persons contact them at 617-371-1234.
