MGH Community News


On December 21, 2000 President Clinton signed into law changes in Medicare home health provisions and new Medicare preventive health coverage.

The new Medicare home health provisions clarify the definition of "homebound" so that regular trips to participate in therapeutic, psychosocial, or medical treatment at a licensed or accredited adult day care program will not preclude coverage. In the past such activities would result in a denial of home health services to the beneficiary. In addition, absences (from the home) for the purpose of attending a religious service are deemed to be absences of infrequent or short duration and will not result in disqualification for benefits.

Preventative care coverage has been extended to include screening for glaucoma, colonoscopies, and medical nutrition therapy for beneficiaries who have diabetes or renal disease. Also covered are biennial pap smears and pelvic exams.

-From ElderLaw Fax Letter, Margolis & Cohen, LLP 2/2/01
