MGH Community News


Beginning on April 1, 2001 Massachusetts became the first state in the nation to enroll individuals in Medicaid (MassHealth) based on their HIV status, not a diagnosis of AIDS or disability. This expansion aims to offer early intervention and treatment in hopes of slowing progression of the disease.

The applicant must be:

Family Size 200% FPL
1 $1,432
2 $1,935
3 $2,439
4 $2,942
5 $3,445
Additional Persons +$504

If these applicants are not eligible for MassHealth Standard or CommonHealth they will receive MassHealth Family Assistance. After demonstration that gross income is equal or less than 200% of FPL the individual can receive MassHealth fee-for-service for up to 60 days while the Division awaits verification of HIV+ status. After this verification the individual will be enrolled in either:

HIV Premium Assistance with "Wrap" - MassHealth would pay for group insurance premiums (such as those offered through an employer) with the addition of Family Assistance services that are not covered by the employer's plan. This would be on a fee-for-service basis.

HIV Purchase of Medical Benefits - those who don't have access to other health insurance would be enrolled in MassHealth's Primary Care Clinician (PCC) plan - their managed care plan.

Benefits include doctor visits, diagnostic services, medications, inpatient hospitalization, inpatient and out patient mental health and substance abuse services, dental care, hearing aides, medical equipment and supplies, eyeglasses and more.

Please note that Family Assistance plan does not cover transportation (except ambulances in an emergency) and nursing facility services among other services.

Advocacy Tips (courtesy of Sandy McLaughlin)

Please see the new MassHealth member booklets (revised 4/01) now available on the Founders 2 "Resource Wall" or at for more information.
