
McKinney-Vento Act
Educational Rights of Homeless Children

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a federal law first enacted in 1987, is designed to ensure educational rights and protections for students experiencing homelessness. Because the state of Massachusetts accepts federal McKinney-Vento grant money, all school districts in the commonwealth must comply with the provisions of the Act.

Who Is Homeless?

Children and youth who "lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence" are considered homeless for educational purposes. This includes those who:

Homeless Education Liaison

As of July 31, 2002, the Massachusetts Department of Education requires all districts in the Commonwealth to have a local homeless education liaison whose responsibilities include ensuring students in homeless situations enroll in the schools in their district and have a fair opportunity to succeed academically. They serve as the point of contact at the district level for all issues regarding homeless students and as the coordinator for district compliance with McKinney-Vento. To identify a local liaison, one can contact the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless at 866-205-1700.


Under the McKinney-Vento Act, homeless students in public schools and public pre-schools have the right to:

If a disagreement with a public school or public pre-school arises, a homeless student has the right to:

  • Have the disagreement addressed by the school district liaison and settled quickly.
  • Attend the school or pre-school that the parent, guardian, or unaccompanied youth chooses, until the dispute is resolved.
  • Receive the necessary transportation to the school of choice until the dispute is resolved.
  • Receive from the school or district a written explanation of rights and a written explanation of the final decision.

If a school or district fails to address these rights or if a dispute arises, con-tact Peter Cirioni, Massachusetts State Coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth at (781) 338-6294.


04/03, rev 10/12