Has a family asked you for the "official" MGH list of nursing home facilities near a family's home? Need to know what skilled homecare company could provide nursing services for your patient? Then you need to know about 4-NEXT. 4-NEXT is a Partners HealthCare System-wide database designed for case managers and others who refer to "nonacute" providers. It includes all nursing facilities, rehabilitation hospitals and skilled nursing/homecare companies in the country (no durable medical equipment yet, but that's coming).

The Partners' staff who manage the database have also surveyed many of the Massachusetts programs and those have additional detailed information about programs and services. These selected programs are also rated on quality indicators based on state and federal survey data.

Case Management staff acess this program regularly for short-term placements. Since most of the SNF level facities also have long-term care, a list of long-term placements may also be generated within 4-NEXT. It may even be an option to search specifically by that criteria.
