MGH Community News


Despite an announcement in March that they would be closing, Adoptions with Love, a private adoption agency located in Newton, has reorganized and will remain open. Finding better ways to recruit birth mothers and hiring a financial and advertising consultant, have allowed them to regain stability. In the past two months they report they've placed 14 adoptions. According to a recent article, "Agency to keep providing 'Adoptions with Love'", from The Boston Globe, "twenty-one couples are now waiting to adopt through the agency, and about 30 birth mothers are scheduled to deliver between now and September."

Adoptions with Love is now operating under the direction of social workers Nancy Rosenhaus and Amy Cohen, since the recent resignation of the agency's founder, Elizabeth Quackenbush. They are currently accepting new applications and may be contacted at (617) 964-4357. Adoptions with Love can be found in IRis under the keywords, "Adoption" and "Adoption/Domestic".
