Of interest to our elderly or disabled patients who need home repairs or modifications to retain
their independence, a new state website gives consumers valuable information about their rights and a way to check
on a contractor's background. The website: www.homeimprovement.state.ma.us
Information available on the site includes tips on planning a project, selecting a contractor, a sample contract,
databases of those holding current Home Improvement Registration Certificates and Construction Supervisor Licenses
(and definitions of these terms), contractors' arbitration and guaranty fund claims history, and how to file an
arbitration claim (or whether to go to court instead).
According to a recent article in The Boston Globe (7/3/01), the impetus behind this website was a steep increase
in consumer claims against contractors and several recent cases that highlighted ineffective state regulation of contractors.
This site does not change these regulations, but it does give consumers information that was previously hard to access and
heightens awareness of how to protect oneself and recourse available if something does go wrong. The office of the state
attorney general and the Better Business Bureau also keep more general records of complaints. The BBB's files are computerized
and available from this site, those of the attorney general are not, but the phone number is listed.
-Information for this article adapted from "Web site helps public check up on contractors", The Boston Globe, 7/3/01 and from
the home-improvement website.