
MassHealth Enrollment Caps:
CommonHealth and Family Assistance

A maximum number of ADULTS in the Family Assistance and CommonHealth programs has been established. A waiting list will be started once these caps are reached.

Advocacy Note:     According the "MassHealth Defense" coalition in an e-mail dated 9/29/03 (emphasis added): The Joint Committee on Health Care will hear testimony on … Wednesday, Oct. 1st, … [on] Transferability between accounts. This bill, filed by DMA, would grant DMA the unlimited authority to transfer money among Medicaid line items. We believe that this bill, if passed, would rob the legislature of their prerogative to establish spending priorities. We are particularly concerned because the legislature provided enough funding to provide coverage to all those who qualify under the HIV waiver and the CommonHealth Program for the disabled. However, DMA is capping eligibility in that program so that they can transfer money saved into a different line item.
