MGH Medical Grand Rounds

200 years of Women as Physicians:
A Conversation with MGH Writer-in-Residence
Suzanne Koven, MD, MFA, and author Janice P. Nimura

Date: May 11th, 2021
Time: 7:00-8:00 PM

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Date/Time Presentation Info Video LINK
May 11th, 2021
7:00-8:00 PM
Russell Museum Lecture Series
200 years of Women as Physicians:
A Conversation with MGH Writer-in-Residence Suzanne Koven, MD, MFA, and author Janice P. Nimura

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  • Use a computer with headphones
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  • Allow video to buffer for up to 15 seconds before reloading page
  • Check that the Windows volume control is at maximum level
  • Check that the speaker volume is set to a comfortable level (laptops may have external hardware volume controls)
If you are having difficulty viewing the broadcast:
  • Try refreshing the link / reloading web page
  • Try loading the URL in a Firefox browser
  • Restart your computer

Partners HealthCare

Make sure to check the volume level

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