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Public Benefits/Cash Assistance

Funds for Specific Populations

Cancer Patients


NOTE: This page is for cancer-related financial assistance, foundations, funds, etc.

For other types of cancer support see: Cancer Resources

See also:


Click on the link below to skip to that section:

Alphabetical Listing

By Population or
Assistance Type

See also:
Portal for more listings:



Breast Cancer Children

Co-Pay Assistance

Disease, Site or Treatment Specific

Hospice Patients

House Cleaning

Incidental Items & Medical Supplies

Local/Residence Specific



Scholarships & Career Expenses

Terminal Illness

Young Adults


Wish Granting (see separate page as well as below)

Amy Gallagher Foundation - program appears to no longer be accepting applications for medical and pharmacy copays and deductibles.

Patient Care Fund- The fund will reimburse eligible patients for medical and pharmacy copays and deductibles for adult primary brain tumors; available to residents of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Applications now accepted on an ongoing basis. Application.



Below the Belt - Women’s Cancer Outreach on the Cape

(Note on language: the program is aware that the language used here is not inclusive and may impact who feels safe accessing these services. They are revising their outreach materials. 1/22)
Below the Belt Women’s Cancer Outreach’s programs include support groups, survivors teaching students, peer mentoring and financial assistance for women with gynecologic cancer.

MJ’s gift offers economic supports specifically to Cape Cod women diagnosed with gynecologic cancer to help with medical and household expenses. Please call 508-827-1212 or email for assistance.

More on their programs page:



BigEd Foundation
The BigEd Foundation provides financial assistance toward daily living expenses to patients with cancer who are currently receiving treatment and their families.

Assistance can be provided for the following:

  • Parking voucher
  • Groceries (Up to $100)
  • Cell phone (Up to $100)
  • Utilities (Up to $200)
  • Hotel reimbursement (Up to $200)

NOTE: While it is possible to apply for multiple items from the above list, assistance may not be available for all requests.

They prefer that the application be completed and faxed by a social worker. The following information is needed to complete the application:

  • Patient information
  • Caregiver name and phone number
  • Hospital information including referring professional and attending physician information
  • Type and date of diagnosis
  • Type and length of treatment
  • Yearly income and monthly expense amounts
  • US residency (yes or no question)
  • Health insurance coverage (yes or no question)
  • Type of assistance requested and reasoning for request

Download the application.

Social service staff may call for additional information: (617) 723-3333

Note: BigEd Foundation reports that they do not have immigration status restrictions.

Bright Spot Network

provides young cancer survivors who are parents of small children with a safe space for individual and familial healing, recovery, and reconnection

Programs includes support groups, a free children’s books program, small grants for families in need and “Bright Box,” a collaboration with The Dolly Project that contains art projects for kids whose parents are in cancer treatment or recovering from surgery.

Bright Grants

Any BSN families/parents/caregivers in need are eligible to apply for $500 in funding. Apply for a $500 Bright Grant using this form today.

Bright Spot Network reviews grant applications monthly. Apply anytime. We have a set number of grants to give away and will review applications at the end of each month. We prioritize families with a child 6 years old and under (including those diagnosed while pregnant) where a parent or child’s primary caregiver is in active treatment or is in recent survivorship (within 6 months of last treatment). All applicants will be notified and those eligible, but not selected, will be rolled over to the next month and considered for up to one year. At this time, we can only serve applicants inside the U.S.

What can grant funding be used for?

Funds can be used for anything that will help you and your family during the difficulty of cancer diagnosis, treatment, or it’s aftermath. Example include (but are not limited to!):

  • Basic living expenses: groceries (including grocery delivery), utility bills, supplementing rent/mortgage payments, supplementing lost incomes, car-related expenses, etc.
  • Child-related expenses: childcare expenses, paying for online and other educational enrichment resources, mental health and other supportive services for your child(ren), etc.
  • Health and wellness: defraying medical costs, transportation costs to medical appointments, supplementing health insurance, mental health, fitness/wellness/nutrition costs (including online resources), etc.
  • Other: if you have other needs not outlined above please feel free to describe them in your application!

More at: Financial help for families with cancer — Bright Spot Network and Helping families through cancer -Bright Spot Network

- Thanks to Lauren DeMarco for sharing information about this resource.



Cancer Care (fomerly Avon Cares and CancerCare Assist)

  • Financial Assistance is available for certain populations to assist with specific costs like transportation, home care, and child care. Grants are not for basic living expenses such as rent, mortgages, utility payments or food.
  • Pet Assistance and Wellness (PAW) Program can assist with costs for people that have a cat or a dog.
  • The CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation is a not-for-profit organization established in 2007 to address the needs of individuals who cannot afford their insurance co-payments to cover the cost of medications for treating cancer. More information about the program can be found here.
  • To learn more and see what funds you may be eligible for call 1-800-813-4673.

CancerCare also provides additional services including:

  • Free Telephone Resource Navigation
  • Free Individual Counseling and Support Groups- NY and NJ Residents Only
  • Online Support Groups
  • Educational Workshops and Publications

Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition

A group of 14 organizations working together to assist patients with cancer who have unmet financial needs.  Members of the coalition include the American Cancer Society, Patient Access Network Foundation, and the Sarcoma Alliance, among others.

Their website allows one to search for financial assistance available from all of the member organizations on one website. Users can search by cancer diagnosis or by the type of financial assistance needed, cross-referenced by zip-code. 

Cancer1Source (formerly Cancer Resource Foundation)

Limited financial assistance for cancer related costs. All programs are available to those affected by cancer. Assistance can be used for genetic testing, breast cancer programs, medication, and wigs. Create an online account: to apply for assistance.

Cancer Fund of America, Inc.

In March 2016 this company settled a case with the MA Attorney General the Federal Trade Commission and agencies from all 50 states and agreed to dissolve; its president is banned from profiting from any charity fundraising in the future. The settlement resolves claims that the Cancer Fund of America Inc., Cancer Support Services Inc. and their leader, James Reynolds Sr., claimed to help cancer patients, but instead, spent most donations on their operators, families and friends, and fundraisers.

-See the full The Enterprise article.

Carin MacLean Foundation

Provides financial assitance to eligible adult female cancer patients that have dependents. To be eligible you must be in active treatment and live in New England.

CHAT Program (Connecting Hope, Assistance and Treatment)

The Connecting Hope, Assistance and Treatment (CHAT) Program at Brigham and Women's Hospital, which is administered by the Center for Community Health and Health Equity (CCHHE), assists women with breast cancer who have insufficient income and insurance coverage to pay for necessary services and treatment related to their breast cancer diagnosis. Eligible women may receive up to $1,200 per calendar year to help defray the cost of Tamoxifen, breast prostheses and bras, wigs, transportation and childcare related to treatment, counseling, compression sleeves and other breast cancer related expenses.  Women with an individual annual income of $25,000 or less or a total family annual income of $42,000 or less and who are Massachusetts resident are eligible. Women do not have to be Brigham and Women's Hospital patients in order to receive assistance.

To apply, women or their advocates should complete the CHAT Resource Request form. This form is available at the link below or by calling the CCHHE at 617-732-5759 or by email Maisha Douyon Cover at or 617-582-0188.
CHAT application
(please note: application includes out of date contact information. The current contact is above.) (4/17)

Chronic Disease Fund - see Good Days

Cleaning for a Reason Foundation

Provides free home cleaning to patients battling cancer. Upon being matched with a qualified residential cleaning company in their area, a patient will receive two home cleaning sessions – that’s one cleaning a month for two months:

Note: "While we cannot guarantee a patient will be matched, we will do our best to find an available partner in their area."

Who qualifies for the service?
Any cancer patient—including women, men or children—undergoing treatment for any type of cancer (formerly for women only).

How do cancer patients apply?
Patients may apply for services at, Patients tab. At any time, you can check on the STATUS OF YOUR APPLICATION at, Patients tab - just using the email address submitted with your application.

May I apply for someone else?
Yes! The application requires a patient's name, email, home address, and phone number. If patient does not have an email, please use (use the actual patient's name).

For questions, please see their FAQs page or contact

Colorectal Cancer Alliance - Blue Hope Financial Assistance (formerly Colon Cancer Alliance Blue Note Fund and Chris4Life)

1025 Vermont Ave., NW

Suite 1066

Washington, DC 20005

P: 202-628-0123 ext. 107

F: 866-304-9075


For qualifying individuals, Blue Hope Financial Assistance will cover:

  • The cost of a screening test OR
  • a $300 one-time financial stipend to help cover screening-related expenses, OR
  • A one-time $200 stipend to cover treatment-related expenses for those currently in treatment for colon or rectal cancer

Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis. Awards are based on funding available

To apply:

    Ellie Fund

    The Ellie Fund’s patient support program, Care for the Caregiver, provides transportation to medical appointments, childcare, housekeeping, groceries and prepared meals free of charge for hundreds of women living through breast cancer treatment, and their families.

    Family Reach Foundation

    Their mission is to provide financial relief and heartfelt support to families fighting cancer. The majority of their funds are dedicated to families with a child or young adult who is being treated for a pediatric or other type of cancer. However, they have also designated a portion of funds for other special cases, including other adult cancers and catastrophic illnesses. The common element is that children are involved and impacted, either directly as patients, or indirectly within the family.

    • Patient must be on treatment in order for the family to qualify.
    • In each case, a child or young adult must be impacted in a significant way. The majority of our funds are used to support families with a child (age 18 or under) fighting pediatric cancer. However we also provide assistance to young adults and parents with children who have been hit with cancer.
    • The patient-family needs to be represented by a social worker or resource manager that can serve as a liaison with Family Reach.
    • The patient-family, through the social worker or resource manager, must demonstrate financial hardship and identify specific expenses with which they need assistance.
    • Expenses must be for necessity items, including mortgage or rent, utilities, food, child care, travel to treatment, parking, prescriptions, other ancillary medical costs, funeral and memorial costs, and other items.
    • In most cases, Family Reach will make a one-time grant to an approved family. However, in some cases, Family Reach will review a second request for the same family. Two grants are the maximum.

    Foundation for End-of-Life Care

    Funding for extraordinary needs beyond what a hospice would normally provide is available to indigent hospice patients who qualify.

    • Extraordinary need may be granted while the patient is on a hospice program and/or 30 days from discharge.
    • If the patient/family have funds in an account to cover expense, the request will be denied.
    Examples of Extraordinary Needs that may be Funded if Not Funded Elsewhere

    Usually Not More Than: Usually Not More Than:
    $800 Mortgage Payment/Rent $400 Utility bill(s)
    $500 Emergency Clothing $500 Airline ticket(s)
    $300 Window or floor AC $400 Repair AC
    $1,000 Transportation for family $400 Materials for ramp
    $300 Repair glasses or dentures $400 Automobile repair
    $200 Small TV, VCR or radio $200 Personal items
    $100 Baby Monitor $400 Heating Oil
    $200 Pt Special Event $200 Floor fan or heater



    Good Days (Formerly Chronic Disease Fund)

    See list of qualifying conditions (note: status of each fund may change throughout the year depending on funding).

    Co-pays and premium assistance - In some cases, they not only cover the co-pay, but can also help with insurance premiums.

    Travel Concierge Program- It helps those eligible with everything from air travel to overnight stays to parking, when medically necessary as determined by the prescribing physician. An appointment with your healthcare provider must already be scheduled.

    To ensure we can accommodate specific travel needs, please enroll in our Travel Concierge Program at least two (2) business days in advance of your appointment.

    Transportation can include travel by ground and air to pre-approved medical appointments. If a treatment or appointment requires an overnight stay, they’ll even cover the expense and help arrange lodging. Secondary expenses such as parking, fuel and meals are covered, too.

    Patient Care Navigators 877-968-7233

    How to Apply and Apply

    HairToStay- offers need-based grants to offset the expense of scalp cooling systems for chemotherapy patients. Scalp cooling minimizes chemotherapy induced hair loss by continuous application of cooled caps before, during and after chemotherapy infusions. Most insurance companies do not cover the costs of scalp cooling currently, but might if you ask for a cranial prosthesis. Subsidy recipients will usually be reimbursed up to $250 per month, up to $750 total.


    • Household income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level
    • Be a chemotherapy patient who has been diagnosed with a solid tumor cancer. Scalp cooling is not recommended for blood (hematological) cancer patients and those patients are not eligible for subsidy.
    • Be a full-time US resident receiving treatment in a medical facility located in the United States.
    • Be already using or ready to use a scalp cooling system from one of the following Qualified Scalp Cooling Suppliers:      
      (IMPORTANT: We do not subsidize treatment expenses incurred prior to your application being approved)


    Heaps of Hope - offers financial assistance to women with cancer from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

    Heaps of Hope assists women by:

    • Offering assistance with the cost of transportation to medical appointments
    • Helping pay for medications when women have no prescription coverage or have very high co-payments for their medication
    • Helping pay hospital bills for uncovered treatments or tests
    • Assisting with the cost of integrative therapies which are not covered by health insurance and can be helpful treating pain, nausea, insomnia and anxiety
    • Offering grocery gift cards to help ease the financial strain that this illness can cause
    • Providing an inspirational book - There's No Place Like Hope - to women who are newly diagnosed

    Requires a referral from a medical professional.

    Contact: 781.572.6421 or email:


    Jack and Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation

    Provides WOW! experiences when a parent is diagnosed with late-stage cancergiving children who will lose their Mom or Dad to cancer a timeout to create indispensible memories as a family...while they can. JAJF sends families on a memory-making, fun trip together to resorts and destinations nationwide.

    All families must:

    • Be referred directly from their treating oncologists
    • Have late stage, terminal cancer with a life expectancy no less than six months. Please call WOW! Experience Director Kerry McGavin at (404) 537-5254 to specifically discuss a timeout timetable for your patient/family
    • Have at least one child age between the ages of three (3) and eighteen (18) – Only one child must meet the age requirement; The spirit of the foundation is to focus on the children living in the household (generally 18 and under).
    • Must be cleared for travel by treating Oncologist. For families unable to travel, please inquire about our WOW2U Initiative.
    • Have not participated in an any adult dream, wish, or any other similar program
    Please note, income is not a consideration in the eligibility of families. We treat families from all income levels and walks of life.

    Oncology Referral Form  - once the form is filled out, it can be returned to Kerry McGavin at or fax to (404) 920-2139

    More information: Oncology Referral Process

    The Joe Andruzzi Foundation is committed to providing financial and emotional assistance to the broad community of cancer patients and families living within New England. The Joe Andruzzi Foundation Financial Assistance Program provides grants up to $800 to cancer patients and their families battling cancer to assist families with basic living expenses, for example: mortgage, rent, electricity, gas, oil, telephone, cable, or other similar expenses. All grant monies are mailed to the patient with checks written directly to the service providers.


    • Receiving active treatment
    • Must provide verification of a cancer diagnosis and documentation of financial need
    • New England resident
    • No immigration status requirements
      • food security program does not require income verification or any bill
      • for other household expenses they do require income documentation in the form of a paystub, tax return, or benefits letter (SSDI, unemployment, SNAP, pension, etc.).

    If you are interested in applying for a financial grant for household expenses, please email:

    Note they also have additional financial assistance programs - learn more:

    For more information :


    Julie Fund Patient Transportation Program

    Provides FREE transportation for cancer patients and a caregiver.

    • Eligibility: breast cancer and GYN cancer patients in active treatment. No financial eligibility or other eligibility criteria.
    • Covers anywhere in MA including care at our Waltham and Danvers sites
    • No limit on the number of rides.
    • When a patient schedules a ride through the QR code they will always receive two separate confirmation texts -  one for pick up and another for the trip home.
    • Flyer with QR code

    Knots of Love

    Hand-knit and crochet caps for those struggling with treatment-induced hair loss (also provides neonatal blankets for fragile new lives in incubators).  

    Knots of love will send 2 Day hats and 1 Sleep hat to individuals.

    To request: email favorite colors, approximate head size and where to ship the caps to: or call 949-933-7000.

    Knots of Love
    2973 Harbor Blvd. #822, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
    Phone: 949-933-7000



    Learn Live Love

    Provides financial assistance to Massachusetts women cancer patients and their families. They pay vendors directly on behalf of the patient. Assistance can be used for rent, utilities, cable/internet, insurance co-pays, credit cards, and more. Occasionally, they are able to provide gift cards for travel expenses such as gas or to pharmacies for prescriptions.

    To apply for assistance, submit the follow via postal mail:

    • Contact information and a brief description of your situation,
    • An original, signed on letterhead, letter from a physician indicating 1.) patient status, 2.) diagnosis, and 3.) treatment plan,
    • Photocopy of the bill(s) most upsetting at the time -please include mailing address and all contact information regarding the bill(s)
    • Rent and lease payments require the following:
      • A photocopy of the most recent formal agreement. Agreement must include and clearly show full contact information for landlord and tenant, along with dated signatures of both parties. Informal or private rental agreements must be notarized by an authorized Notary Public.
    • Mail to:
      Learn Live Love Cancer Outreach Org.
      P.O. Box 292
      Scituate, MA 02066

    Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
    Offers financial assistance to patients with leukemia, non-Hodgkin's, Hodgkin's, and multiple myeloma.

    The Society's Co-Pay Assistance Program offers financial support towards the cost of insurance co-payments and/or insurance premium costs for prescription drugs. Patients must qualify both medically and financially for this program. Co-Pay Assistance funds are currently available up to $5000 for the following diagnoses:

    • Chronic myelogenous leukemia
    • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    • Hodgkin's lymphoma
    • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
    • Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
    • Myeloma
    • Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)

    Patient Aid Program - provides financial assistance to blood cancer patients in active treatment. Eligible patients will receive a one-time $100 stipend to help offset expenses. There are no income criteria to qualify for this program.

    Eligibility - the patient must:

    • Be a United States citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or Puerto Rico
    • Have a blood cancer diagnosis
    • Be in active treatment, scheduled to begin treatment, or being monitored by their doctor


    • Online: Online portal (24/7, Available in English only)
    • By Phone: 866-446-7377 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET)

    Urgent Need Program - The Urgent Need Program was established to help pediatric and young adult blood cancer patients, or adult blood cancer patients enrolled in clinical trials, who are in acute financial need.

    The program provides eligible patients assistance for non-medical expenses including rent, mortgage, lodging, utilities, childcare, elder care, food, transportation, car repair, car insurance, phone service, and acute dental work related to treatment. Eligible patients will receive a stipend of $500, once within a 12 month period, for emergent costs that impede the patient from receiving timely treatment. Support for this program is based on the availability of funds.


    LIVESTRONG Fertility

      Helps cancer survivors access discounted rates on fertility preservation services.

      Eligibility requirements:

      • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
      • Diagnosis of cancer
      • Oncologist has determined that the recommended cancer treatments presents the risk of infertility or has caused risk to the patient's fertility
      • Oncologist and reproductive endocrinologist have both determined that the treatments and associated medications are medically appropriate
      • No contraindications to fertility treatments as determined by a reproductive endocrinologist
      • The fertility center has agreed to provide the requested service through the LIVESTRONG Fertility Discount Program

      Additional Criteria - Men Only

      • Annual adjusted gross household income is less than or equal to $90,000 (if single) or $115,000 (if married)
      • Uninsured or limited insurance coverage for the treatments and procedures required for sperm cryopreservation

      Additional Criteria - Women Only

      • Annual adjusted gross household income is less than or equal to $115,000 (if single) or $150,000 (if married)
      • Uninsured or limited insurance coverage for the treatments and procedures required for embryo freezing or egg freezing

      Application: Online (we also have the printable application for women)

      For more information or assistance: call LIVESTRONG and speak with a cancer support specialist - (855) 220-7777.

    Living Beyond Breast Cancer

      The Living Beyond Breast Cancer Fund provides one-time financial grants to people in active treatment for early-stage breast cancer or living with metastatic breast cancer. The fund can help with expensese such as rent, utility bills, car payments, and car insurance. Grants range from $500-$1,000 depending on need.

    Lymphoma- MGH fund

      An MGH Oncologist has started a fund to benefit MGH lymphoma patients. At this writing the fund eligibility criteria and referral and payment processes have not been finalized. Contact the lymphoma social worker or one of the inpatient oncology social workers for consultation and possible referral. (See the Oncology coverage grid on SharePoint).

    Magnolia Meals at Home

      Participants will receive up to two months of home meal deliveries, each of which will include ten meals that are designed to help meet the nutritional needs of people living with cancer, and up to ten additional meals for their family members, if requested by the participant. There are no financial need requirements.

      The program is currently available in and around Nutley, NJ, Cambridge, MA and New Haven, CT (as well as areas in New York, New Hampshire and Boston, MA).

      More on eligibility.

      Apply through:

      Massachusetts/New Hampshire area:
      Jane E. Brown, Cancer Support Community
      1050 17th Street NW, Suite 500
      Washington, DC 20036
      Phone: 1-617-733-5848
      Toll-free: 1-888-793-9355

      Other area contacts.

      Supporting documentation from a doctor, social worker, or nurse verifying the diagnosis may be required.


    Marisa's Mission- Has four programs that offer grants to qualifed recipients:

    • Travel/Lodging Program- Provides funds to assist with the cost of travel and lodging while the applicant it undergoing cancer treatment. 
    • Care Program- Provides funds to assist with expenses realted to care such as co-payments, insurance premiums, medical equipment, etc. while the applicant is undergoing cancer treatment. 
    • Home Assistance Program- Provides fund to assist with home expenses such as mortgage payments, child care, groceries, etc. while the applicant is undergoing cancer treatment.  
    • Trip/Event Program- Provides funds to assist an applicant who would like to take a trip or go to a special event with their family whie undergoing cancer treatment.        

    Martha's Vineyard Cancer Support Group

    The Martha’s Vineyard Cancer Support Group (MVCSG) is a nonprofit organization that provides resources, support services, and financial assistance to Martha’s Vineyard residents who have a diagnosis of cancer and are in need.  Financial assistance specifically is awarded to year-round Martha’s Vineyard residents to help them meet emergency and temporary needs resulting from their cancer related illness and treatment.  A patient is eligible to apply for financial assistance twice each calendar year.  

    The Martha's Vineyard Cancer Support Group can provide free ferry passenger tickets for anyone traveling for daily radiation treatment. Call: (508) 627-7958.

    The MVCSG website:

    To apply for financial assistance:

    • Fill out the application for financial assistance. (Portuguese version)
    • A letter from providing physician is required indicating diagnosis and treatment plan. 
    • Patient must provide receipts for any expenses the grant will cover. 

    Applications can be filled out online and e-mailed to or mail to:  MV Cancer Support Group Inc. P.O. Box 2214, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568.


      The National Association for the Terminally Ill (Appears to no longer be in existence)

      Helps children and families of those suffering from a terminal illness. To be eligible for this service, a person must be diagnosed with a terminal illness with a life expectancy of 6 months or less. Financial assistance may include, but is not limited to: telephone bills, home/auto repairs, electric bills, rent/mortgage, grocery vouchers and medications =

    The National Brain Tumor Society

    They no longer provide direct financial assistance, but do maintain a resource directory.

    The National Children's Cancer Society

    The N.C.C.S. provides direct financial assistance to children diagnosed with cancer and their families. This program is supported entirely by public contributions, and is made available for the families with the greatest need. A family with liquid assets in excess of $5000 may be asked to partially or completely “spend down” these assets in order to receive financial assistance. The types of services provided by the program include:

    • Meals during treatment
    • Transportation to and from treatment
    • Long distance telephone cards
    • Lodging during treatment
    • Health insurance premiums
    • Medical expenses not covered by insurance


    The National Marrow Donor Program

    Offers financial assistance to those seeking help with post-transplant costs, and for the cost of searching the registry Transplant Support Assistance Funds help pay for some costs during the first six months after transplant that are not covered by insurance. Financial services page. These funds can be helpful with costs related to:

    • Secondary (temporary) housing, including utility bills if you and your family or caregiver need to relocate
    • Food for you and your family or caregiver
    • Parking or mileage for ground transportation
    • Uncovered post-transplant prescriptions and clinic visits and copays
    • Insurance premiums (to continue your insurance coverage)

    Perillo Stafford Leukemia Foundation

    Pink Aid- The Pink Purse program provides emergency financial assitance to breast cancer patients in treatment. Funds can assist with non-medical household expenses such as utility payments, food cards, and transportation to treatment.   

    The Pink Fund - provides 90-day non-medical cost-of-living expenses on behalf of breast cancer patients in active treatment, so they can focus on healing, raising their families, and returning to the workplace.   

    Runway for Recovery - family grants; provides families with a continuum of support along their journey with breast cancer. Please note: we cannot refer directly; family must be involved with Dana Farber, The Ellie Fund, The Joe Andruzzi Foundation, EmpowerHer, or The Center for Cancer Prevention and Treatment at the St. Joseph’s Hospital in Orange, CA. Social workers from those facilities/programs help with completing the application. Please contact or 978-255-4730 with any questions.


    • Live in New England or Southern California (LA and Orange Counties)
    • Must be
      • immediate family of someone who died from breast cancer and/or
      • child/children who lost a parent to breast cancer OR
      • family of stage IV metastatic breast cancer patients
    • Have immediate financial needs related to support services for caregiver/children that are not being covered
    • Are not able to get financial assistance from any other source
    • Are struggling financially as a result of their family experience with cancer (e.g., lost wages, high medical bills, etc.) or its aftermath (e.g., limited ability to work)
    • Are limited in their employment options after the family’s experience with breast cancer
    • Are not sure where to turn and are looking for a starting point for familial support

    What does Runway Fund

    • Summer camp fees & travel to/from camp
    • Childcare services (daycare, babysitting services) (variable)
    • Counseling Services for the caregiver/children
      • Playgroup therapy sessions for kids
      • Support Groups for Adults
    • Tutoring/other academic support for children
    • Extracurricular activities for children (i.e. sports teams, leagues, clubs, classes, memberships, etc.)
    • Alternative Healing & Wellness Classes (acupuncture, yoga, meditation classes)
    • Books, supplies for academic work
    • Continuing Ed or Vocational Training for caregiver
    • Continuing School Tuition
    • Gym memberships
    • Financial Advisor
    • House cleaners or professional organizer (one time or regularly)
    • Meal Support
    • Other (Runway for Recovery understands that there may be large areas of need we have not identified in this list and very much invite applicants to suggest other areas)

    Please note that Runway for Recovery will award grants to recipients, but will pay the third parties directly for the services.

    To Apply

    Please note: we cannot refer directly; family must be involved with Dana Farber, The Ellie Fund, The Joe Andruzzi Foundation, EmpowerHer, or The Center for Cancer Prevention and Treatment at the St. Joseph’s Hospital in Orange, CA. Social workers from those facilities/programs help with completing the application. Please contact or 978-255-4730 with any questions.

    - Thanks to Kara Raponi Conway, LICSW, for sharing this resource.



    The SAMFund (Surviving And Moving Forward) provides financial assistance to young adults (21-39 - updated 4/14) as they move forward with their lives after cancer. "With our support, survivors are empowered to achieve their educational, professional and personal goals." Grants and scholarships provided by the SAMFund cover a wide range of post-treatment financial needs, such as (but not limited to): graduate* tuition and loans, car and health insurance premiums, rent, utilities, current and residual medical bills, fertility-related expenses, gym memberships and transportation costs (for monthly bills like utilities, rent, and insurance they would guarantee funding for a maximum of one year per cycle. Recipients may apply again and can be funded up to three times total.)

    *Please note that The SAMFund is no longer awarding scholarships for undergraduate tuition. However, undergrads are welcome to apply for grants for other expenses (e.g., medical bills, school books, computers, etc).

    The SAMFund Application Process:
    Applicants must be between the ages of 21 and 39, finished with active treatment and residents of the United States. Application process begins in June each year. Part One of each year’s application is available in June on their website. After a review period, selected applicants will then be invited to submit Part Two of the application. Those applicants will be notified in November as to whether they have received a grant.

    The Sanborn Foundation

    The Sanborn Foundation
    P.O. Box 417
    Arlington, MA 02476-0052
    617- 391-3092

    The Elizabeth and George L. Sanborn Foundation for the Treatment and Cure of Cancer offers small amounts of money to residents of Arlington, MA who have cancer. The organization is able to assist Arlington cancer patients with things such as:

    • Co-pays
    • Prescription drugs
    • Liquid food supplements
    • Home health aide
    • Hospice residence fee
    • House cleaning in preparation for stem-cell procedure
    • Over-the-counter items specifically related to cancer treatment
    • Durable medical equipment and other items not covered by insurance (examples of past covered items include wigs, recliner lift chairs, wheel chairs)
    • Integrative medicine therapies such as acupuncture  and massage
    • Psychotherapy

    They are not able to help with more general living expenses such as rent/mortgage, or medical marijuana.

    Transportation - they provide free transportation, including daily transporation, for cancer patients of all ages, through a grant to the Arlington Council on Aging. This does not require an application; just call the Arlington Council on Aging (781-316-3400).

    Eligibility: an Arlington resident who has cancer. Documentation of cancer diagnosis is required. Eligibility is needs blind. They do not inquire about immigration status.

    Apply through the website: The Sanborn Foundation

    Amounts under $10K can be approved relatively quickly. Larger amounts must be presented to the board which typically meets every 2-3 months (in urgent situations they may be able to expedite).

    Sarcoma Alliance  

    Hand in Hand: The Suzanne Renée Leider Memorial Assistance Fund was created to offer financial assistance for a single second opinion consultation. These grants reimburse expenses related to travel, costs of the evaluation, and related expenses. Currently the grant maximum is $500. Grants are to subsidize one consultation with a sarcoma specialist and do not underwrite ongoing medical expenses after the first visit. Application deadlines are March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15. Grant funds are released the month following the application deadline.


    Susan Lang Pre CAR T-Cell Therapy Travel Assistance Program

    Provides financial assistance to patients diagnosed with a blood cancer who are being evaluated to receive CAR T-cell therapy as either standard treatment or a clinical trial.

    Assistance covers travel and lodging expenses from the evaluation phase through the end of the conditioning therapy phase. Coverage ends before the T-cell infusion phase (when the engineered T-cells are put back into the patient's bloodstream).

    Assistance covers travel and lodging expenses. Those who qualify will receive $2,500 in financial assistance to support approved travel and lodging expenses including: ground transportation; tolls; gas; parking; car rental; car maintenance, repairs and parts; air transportation; baggage fees; lodging; and ambulance services.

    Please note the following expenses are NOT covered: food and beverages, alcohol, tobacco, clothing, medical/pharmacy expenses, and international travel.


    • Have a household income that is at or below 500 percent of the U.S. federal poverty guidelines as adjusted by the Cost of Living Index (COLI). You will be asked for your zip code to determine your COLI.
    • Be a United States citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or U.S. territories.
    • Have a blood cancer diagnosis confirmed by a doctor
    • Be in the process of being evaluated for CAR T-cell therapy, as either standard treatment or a clinical trial
    • Patients may be insured or uninsured

    Take A Swing at Cancer  (TASC)

    (Note: has periodically suspended operations due to lack of funds. March 2018 closed and then reopened for 2019 and fall of 2011 and then reopened in February 2013.)

      Take a Swing at Cancer, Inc. (TASC) provides funds to adults being treated for cancer to cover expenses of necessary services that the patient cannot afford. Services are not restricted to medical expenses and may include getting to and from treatment, temporary living expenses during treatment, and other required expenses.

      They currently focus giving efforts in and around the six New England states (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI and VT) .

      Please focus referrals on neediest applicants as resources are limited and they'd like to avoid freezing funds.

      A typical grant will be around $150.

      Adults - Direct Support

      Applications are accepted for adults (age 21 and over) who have been diagnosed as having cancer and are undergoing treatment for it.  Funds are intended to cover expenses of necessary services that the patient cannot afford.  The request, however, does not have to be for medical treatment (often covered by insurance or government agencies).  Requests may be for temporary housing or travel during treatment, emergency financial needs or other special assistance.

      Children - Direct Support 

      Applications are accepted for families of dependent children (up to age 21) who have been diagnosed as having cancer and are undergoing treatment for it.  Funds are intended to cover expenses of necessary services that the patient's family cannot afford.  The request, however, does not have to be for medical treatment.  Requests may be for temporary housing or travel during treatment, emergency financial needs, or other special needs or expenses required by the family.

      To Apply:

      Apply online. Note: we've been advised not to include SSN even if form requests.

    Verma Foundation

    Founded by Natasha Verma, NBC Boston anchor, the Verma Foundation gives a free baseball-cap with attached wig ("cap wig") to cancer patients of all ages who live all over the country and are in treatment for any type of cancer.

    To receive a custom cap wig from the Verma Foundation, please apply online: (at this writing application is online only). Patients may apply on their own behalf.

    The application must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the Verma Foundation by the 25th of the month. The Verma Foundation will review each application and you will be notified by the 1st of the following month.

    Proof of treatment required. During the application process, you will be prompted to upload a prescription from your oncologist for a wig/cranial prosthesis OR an official letter from your oncologist stating that you are under his/her care and require a wig due to hair loss from ongoing cancer treatment. Prescription/letter must be addressed to the Verma Foundation and dated within 30 days of submission. Other forms will not be accepted and will delay the application approval process.

    Provider resources: - providers can view flyers for the program and download and print for patients. 



    We Beat Cancer

    Works with
    hospitals, cancer support groups, and other foundations in the New England to provide financial assistance with parking, meals, transportation, and other support services.

    For more information or to request assistance:



      rev 2/19