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See also:  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Public Benefits, Legal Services, Self-Help (Civil cases- see next section for Criminal representation)

  • Public Benefits & Legal INFORMATION Websites


     Patient Handouts from the CRC


    • Legal service agencies provide free legal assistance for low-income people and elderly residents for non-criminal matters. To qualify, your income must be below 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (see Federal Poverty Guideline charts- includes 125% calculation) or you must be age 60 or over.
      • Due to funding levels and the need for many legal service agencies to seek grant-funding, the level of assistance available may vary between legal service agencies depending on type of problem and population served.
    • Legal Clinics
      • Lawyer's Clearinghouse (Boston) - legal clinics for people with low income seeking legal advice. Common concerns that may assist with include eviction, housing discrimination; housing conditions; Social Security Income and Social Security Disability Income (SSI/SSDI) denials and appeals; Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC); credit and tax issues; unemployment; and wills/trusts/estates and CORI (criminal records) cases. They cannot take criminal or family law cases. To qualify you must have a household income below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. To attend a legal clinic, contact Clinic Manager Sean Thekkeparayil by email or at 617-544-3434 ext. 110 to discuss your legal matter, apply, and receive a clinic date. Clinics are offered virtually via Zoom and in person at shelters and service agencies around Boston. (9/24)
    • Mass Legal Answers Online:
      • Low income Massachusetts residents create an account on the secure website, then log in and post their legal questions. Volunteer lawyers answer the questions through the website. FREE.
      • NOTE: eligibility is up to 250% FPG- so those over-income for regular legal service assistance (125% limit) may qualify (Federal Poverty Guidelines- includes 250% calculation).
      • Please note that MLAO is not able to answer queries from advocates- clients must create the account and ask the question themselves.
      • Questions will be answered via the site - the volunteer attorney won't be able to talk with clients by phone, represent them in court or prepare paperwork.
      • More information.
    • Mass Bar Association Dial-A-Lawyer
      • Call and speak to an attorney, free of charge, on the first Wednesday of every month, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
        Statewide: 617-338-0610
        Toll-free: 877-686-0711
    •  Mass Bar Association-Lawyer Referral Service 
      • The Massachusetts Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service helps to connect individuals to lawyers in their area. 
      • 617-654-0400 

  • Services for Specific Populations
  • For those who do not qualify for any of the above


Criminal Representation



  1. ADA -Americans with Disabilities Act and other rights
  2. CORI Reader  
  3. Mass Small Necessities Leave Law
  4. ABA Free Legal Guide for the Seriously Ill - topics include employee rights. - MGH Community News, January 2010.

Family/Probate (Includes Estate Planning)

  1. Family Law Advocacy Guide for Low and Moderate Income Litigants- Mass Law Reform Institute
  2. Guardianship - our Guardianship page
  3. Child Custody - our Child Custody page
  4. Family Law - our Family Law page
  5. Paternity & Child Support
  6. Civil Commitment Law Changes
  7. Ask the Judge: Disabled Abuse
  8. Ask the Judge: Domestic Violence

    Estate Planning
        What Happens to Your Debts When you Die - Elder Law Answers
    How Parents Can Provide for a Caregiver Child - newsletter article 9/08
        Eight Steps to Make Life Easier for Your Heirs - newsletter article 9/08
        A Letter of Instruction Can Spare Your Heirs Great Stress - newsletter article 12/11
       Accessing a Loved One's Digital Estate Can be Difficult - newsletter article 12-14
       Digital Estate Planning- Facebook and Google - newsletter article 3/15
        Online Estate Planning for Digital Accounts (giving access to passwords, account locations, etc.) - newsletter article 6/09
       • Ask an Elder Law Attorney, MGH Community News, September 2017


    Legal service agencies (like GBLS) typically assist in divorce cases only if there is some complicating factor such as child custody, domestic violence, guardianship, etc.

    See Basic Information About Divorce and Separation-

    Waiving fees and costs for a divorce: Those on welfare or with incomes 125% or less than the federal poverty guidelines may file for a divorce without paying the filing fee or other basic costs. An Affidavit of Indigency must be filed. See #7 "Does it cost money to file for divorce or separate support?" (link to MassLegalHelp)



  1. Consumer Protection

    --Link to internal Consumer Protection page


  2. General Durable Power of Attorney Form
    --Note:   This form is included because patients often request it, but please advise them that this is a generic version and it is wise to consult an attorney before signing to make sure this important legal document meets their individual needs. For more detail see:
    1. Powers of Attorney Come in Different Flavors - MGH Community News, April 2010
    2. "POA- Do I Need a Lawyer?"


  3. Planning
    1. ABA Free Legal Guide for the Seriously Ill - topics include paying for healthcare, managing health and personal decisions, managing money and property, planning for dependent care, patient rights and employee rights. - MGH Community News, January 2010.



  • Health Care Proxy Forms- MGH Patient Care Services
    --Information from MGH Patient Care Services.  Includes links to Health Care Proxy forms in several languages and patient brochures. 
  • Note re: Minor Parents:  According to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 112 section 12F when a minor delivers a child she is given automatic authority to make medical decisions for herself and her child. However, an emancipated person is defined as someone who has completely cut themselves off from financial dependence on their parents etc., so just because a minor has a baby doesn't automatically define her as an emancipated minor.
    --Information from communication between MGH Office of General Counsel and Marisa Iacomini (Thanks for sharing Marisa).
  • Medicare Advocacy Project (MAP) helps Massachusetts residents’ secure Medicare coverage. MAP provides free legal services to individuals in a Medicare plan or individuals having problems with Medicare enrollment.

    Contact MAP:

    Greater Boston Legal Services

    Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, and Suffolk counties
    197 Friend St.
    Boston, MA 02114
    617-603-1700; 800-323-3205

    South Coastal County Legal Services

    Bristol and Plymouth counties
    231 Main St., Suite 201
    Brockton, MA 02302
    800-244-8393; 508-586-2110

    Fall River
    22 Bedford St., 1st Floor
    Fall River, MA 02720
    800-287-3777, 508-676-3777

    Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket, and Plymouth counties
    460 West Main St.
    Hyannis, MA 02601
    800742-4107; 508-776-7020

    Community Legal Aid

    Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Plymouth, and Worcester counties
    405 Main St., 4th Floor
    Worcester, MA 01608

    1 Monarch Pl., Suite 400
    Springfield, MA 01144

    20 Hampton Ave., Suite 100
    Northampton, MA 01060

    152 North St., Suite E-155
    Pittsfield, MA 01201

    All offices: 855-252-5342

Housing/Tenant - see: Tenant Rights for fair housing, code violations, etc. and Eviction for eviction rights, process, cautions

Immigration - Immigration Law - See our Immigration Law page

Notary Public

  • Social Service Department Notary Guidelines
    • Community Resource Center Notaries Public- Community Resource Center (CRC) staff are rotating onsite to assist with patient Notary Public needs Monday through Friday 10 AM - 4 PM. Referrals accepted from MGH Social Service Department staff and the MGH Guardianship program.
      • Tips/Reminders:
        • We ask social workers to determine in advance that requests are a necessity  (e.g., related to the progression of patient care and cannot be postponed; patient unable to access community notary).
        • Please ensure the patient has their original, current state or federal ID in their possession (not a photo or copy)
          • Acceptable forms of ID: Proper identification must be present at the time of notary. This may be current driver’s license or state issued ID card, US passport, foreign passport validated by INS, driver’s license issued in Mexico or Canada or US military card. (per MGH Policy - Notary Public Service)
        • Please plan to attend to introduce us, answer patient and family questions, and recruit witnesses if needed.
        • Due to the personal liability risk, we do not notarize wills. For ambulatory patients, or inpatients who may be able to arrange a trip off of the floor, notary with the Harvard Employees Credit Union MAY be willing to notarize a will. We recommend you confirm in advance. Harvard Employees Credit Union- Bulfinch 1. Hours:  M, T, W, F 9-4, Thurs 8-4 (closed weekends).
        • To Refer (referrals accepted from MGH Department of Clinical Social Work staff & interns and the Guardianship program)
          • Inpatient Med/Surg social workers: please contact Grace Santana and/or place an AMBULATORY Epic referral to the MGH Social Work Community Resource Specialist – Main Campus workqueue, patient type: Med/Surg and indicate that it is a notary referral
          • Pedi/OB social workers: please contact Caroline Rohnsock and/or place an Epic Referral to the MGH Social Work Community Resource Specialist – Main Campus workqueue, Patient Type: OB/Pedi and indicate that it is a notary referral
          • Other Dept of Clinical Social work social workers: please email both: Ellen Forman and Gardy Hyacinthe and/or place an AMBULATORY Epic referral to the MGH Social Work Community Resource Specialist – Main Campus workqueue, Patient Type - either General or Oncology and indicate that it is notary referral.
  • Additional Notary Options:
    • Ambulatory Patients: Harvard Employees Credit Union- Bulfinch 1. Hours:  M, T, W, F 9-4, Thurs 8-4 (closed weekends). They may charge a modest fee - typically a few dollars. Under state law "A notary public shall not refuse to perform a notarial act solely based on the principal's...status as a nonclient or noncustomer", i.e., anyone can ask for notary assistance at any bank that offers this service. They will not visit patient rooms. No appointment required. The Harvard Credit Union is located on Blake 1, around the corner from Coffee Central.
    • Mobile Notaries will travel to MGH for a fee. Search online for "mobile notary". The amount of the fee will vary; patients are advised to discuss in advance.
    • Anyone with an iPhone and access to a scanner may download the Notarize app which provides remote notarization.
    • Employees can use the Credit Union noted above or may contact Police and Security 617-724-4337.
      • Professional staff (MDs, researchers, executives) may also receive notary services from the Medical Staff office 617-726-2119 or the Professional Staff Benefits office 617-726-9267.
  • Sources and For More Information
    • MGH Policy - Notary Public Service
    • MA Notary Law: Chapter 222 updated- new sections are effective June 27, 2023 and January 1, 2024 related to remote online notarizations. (Note: due to technological and training requirements, CRC staff at this time will NOT be providing remote, online notarizations. By Jan 1 the state should have a list of registered remote notaries.)

Social Work Practice

  1. Ask the Judge- Confidentiality & Documentation
  2. Ask the Judge: Tips for Testifying in Court


Voting Rights see Voting Rights page


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